La Push

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'Oh El I forgot to ask, are you coming to La Push with us later? Brady wanted to ask you, I don't know if he did or not,' Seth asked as we walked out of school and towards the cars.

'Yeah I am. Is everyone gonna be there?'

'Pretty much, although we usually split up and stuff,'

I smiled at my cousin before getting into the back of Jake's truck. Throughout today he still stole glances in my direction, which was starting to creep me out just a little. Maybe he did it to everyone? I'd have to ask him at some point.


The guys had arranged to meet me and Seth on the beach at 7, and soon enough that time rolled around. I'd changed into some jeans and a flannel, before adding a thin jacket over the top. It was getting colder, but I'd heard Quil mention a bonfire was being made for us tonight, so I figured I'd be warm enough.

Turning the corner, we reached the edge of the beach, and I spotted Embry and Jake chasing each other with what looked like a snake.

'Boys,' I said, before nudging Seth and pointing to the group. The rest of our friends were all sitting on logs, sure enough huddled round a big bonfire, but I immediately noticed no Collin or Brady. That's wierd. He invited me here.

I took the empty seat in between Quil and Jake, who welcomed me with a smile. Soon, the whole group was immersed in conversation, and I looked up at Jake, who scooted closer. 'You wanna go for a walk?'

'Sure, why not,' I replied, stepping over the log.

We walked in a peaceful silence until the group and the bonfire were concealed behind a huge boulder that was stuck in the sand.



'What do you think of La Push?'

''s beautiful,'

'It's not the only thing that is,' Jake whispered.


'Oh. Nothing. and Brady huh?'

'What? No way! He's just from my music class. I actually haven't seen him tonight... I'm sure he was supposed to be here.'

'Yeah he um..he got sick,'

'Oh. Ok. Well I hope he gets rid of whatever he's got soon,'

'Ha, yeah. Look, Léna. I know we've only just met and stuff but I just wanna tell you. I feel very...protective of you. The Quileute Reservation is completely safe, but the same doesn't go for Forks. There are some dangerous people out there. So I just wanted to let you know that, while ever you're here...I won't ever let you get hurt.'

'Wow Jake...thank you.'

Silence washed over us again before my curiosity broke it.

'Jake, what do you mean by dangerous people?'


'You said there are dangerous people out there. What did you mean?'

'Oh. It's really just a story I guess,'

'I'm listening,' I giggled.

Jake smiled before continuing. 'Did you know Quileute's supposedly descended from wolves? Well, about 80 years ago, our tribes discovered that our enemy clan - the Cold Ones - we're hunting on our land. The leaders made a treaty, but it's been said that..the enemies are still around. Always hunting. But it's really just an old story.'

'That's actually really interesting, Jake. Can you tell me anymore about the Quileute Legends?'

'Uhm. Why don't you come down to my place tomorrow night? My dad and a couple of other members of the pac-- tribe, will be talking about the Quileute Treaty and stuff. You should hear it from them.'

'Uh, if that's ok. I don't wanna crash anything or--'

'Léna, you're more than welcome. How about I pick you up from Sue's at 8?'

'Sounds great. Thanks, Jake. Hey, um. They're probably wondering what we're doing.'

'Yeah we should probably get back,'


'Guys, where did you go? El my mom called, she wants us home. Jake...Sam says can you call by his place on your way home?'

'Yeah. Hey Léna. I had a good time tonight. I'll see you tomorrow?'

'Me too. See you tomorrow,' I replied, and with that he was gone.

'What's happening tomorrow?' Seth asked, ever the curious cousin.

'Nothing Seth, he just asked me to go to a bonfire at his place. Says I'll hear the legends and stuff.' I said before running ahead and into the house. As I made my way up the stairs, I heard Seth talking, probably to my other cousin, Leah.

'Is it really a good idea for her to know? She's only been here a week. What if she reveals something?'

'Leah. He didn't say he was gonna tell her about us. Just the old legends and stories. Besides, she's got Clearwater in her blood. What if she's the same as us anyway?'

'She can't be. Can she? Ugh. I'll just make sure Jake doesn't say anything he shouldn't. You go to bed.'

'Ok. Night Leah.'

What the hell? What did that mean 'one of us'? I needed answers, but deep down I knew they weren't going to be easy to get.

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