Dr Carlisle Cullen

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'Léna, you need to wake up. We're all here for you, but you need to wake up. Please. Wake up. Come back to us.'

I gasped loudly as my eyes were met with a bright white light, and what looked like hospital equipment. There, at the edge of the bed, sat Jacob, a huge grin on his face. Seth sat beside him, and at the foot of the bed a unfamiliar man stood, reading a clipboard.

'Told you she'd come back if I tried,' Jake smirked, earning a giggle and a nudge from Seth.

'Good to have you back, Miss Summers. I'm Dr Cullen. Do you know why you're here?'

'I had a fever. I went for a walk and saw Brady. I followed him into the woods and got lost. Then a strange woman with red hair started asking me questions. Then I saw a wolf. An actual wolf. And now I'm here,'

Jake and Seth suddenly tensed up beside me as Dr Cullen began to shine a bright light into my eyes.

'Well, sounds like you had quite an experience. It's no wonder you fainted. How long have you had the fever?'

'I woke up with it. How did I...how did I get here?' I asked, confused.

Dr Cullen glanced over at Jake and gave him a nod, before turning back to me and smiling. 'Young Jacob here went out to look for you when you didn't come home. You were unconscious; he brought you here. You show no signs of concussion or any major damage. Just rest up for a while and you should be fine. I'll prescribe some pills to get rid of your temperature, but if you need anything else don't hesitate to give me a call. Jacob, Seth,' He nodded as a way of saying goodbye before turning on his heels and walking away through the big double doors at the end of the room.

'Jake, how long was I unconscious for?'

'About 10 hours. Seth came over and told me you hadn't come home so we went out looking straight away. Now here you ar--'

'Seth, Jake, is she ok?' Someone shouted from across the room. It tool a second for me to sit up and look around before Paul came into view.

'Oh. She's awake?' Paul smiled awkwardly.

'Yeah, she can talk to,' I teased, as I sat upright.

'Are you alright now? The redhead won't be bothering you anymore, don't you worry.'

How did Paul know about the creepy woman in the woods? I hadn't mentioned it to anyone other than Dr Cullen a few minutes ago. Maybe she was still around when Jake found me? Everything seemed so confusing today.

'Did you find out who the woman was? She was asking me some prettt wierd questions,' I laughed, half joking.

Paul looked as if he was about to speak but Jake suddenly jumped up and cut him off.

'How about we get you discharged? Sue is out in the parking lot waiting for us,'

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and before I knew it I had Seth on one side of me and Jake on the other, holding me up. I smiled at their kindness but I couldn't help but be a little bit sarcastic towards their gesture; 'You know the last time I checked, both my legs worked,' I teased, earning giggles as we followed Paul to the exit.


This is so so bad omg
Filler chapter, I guess hehe

Keep reading, voting, commenting etc TYSM


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