Red Eyes

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'Morning honey..oh, are you ok? You look sick,' my Aunt Sue asked as I walked into the kitchen the next morning. I did feel a little off; my head was pounding and my body ached.

'I just feel a little under the weather. I think I'm gonna take a walk to clear my head once I'm dressed.'

'You want me to get Seth to come with you? He's probably still asleep, but I can call him if you wan--'

'It's fine, Aunt Sue. I think I'd just like to go alone, if that's ok,'

'Sure honey. Call me if you need anything, though, won't you?'

I nodded before heading off to my room to get dressed. It wasn't warm out, but I was starting to get a temperature so I opted for a simple t-shirt and jeans. I applied very light makeup and quickly ran a brush through my second-day hair, as I didn't have the energy to make an effort. Once I was done I dragged myself downstairs and out the door, into the cool air.

The breeze was doing me some good; I felt a little bit better. Turning a corner, I realised I'd made it to the tribal shack we'd stopped at with Sam the other day. I had no money on me, but I decided to go in nevertheless. I'd only ever been to the beach and the school during my short time in La Push. The ornaments chimed as I opened and closed the door, and I was met with a little old lady with gray hair sitting behind the counter. I started to browse the collection of handmade dream catchers and jewelry when I heard the door chime, signalling that someone had entered. I looked up and noticed a familiar face - Brady.

'Hey Brady!'

'Oh um...hi Eléna.'

'Are you feeling better?'


'Jake said you got sick, that's why you weren't at the beach last night.'

'Oh right. Yeah. Yeah I'm better now, I guess. Thanks,'

'Good. I think there must be something going round, you know. I'm starting to get a fever myself.'

Brady's face dropped at that. He quickly grabbed water from the fridge and a bag of chips from the shelf before rushing to the counter to pay. On his was out he stopped one more time.

'Eléna, you should probably go home and rest. Don't want anyone else catching whatever it is that's going around.'

Before I could blink, the door had closed and Brady had walked off into the woods. I smiled at the woman behind the counter before leaving myself. I decided to follow Brady and ask him why he looked so shocked when I told him that I was getting sick. What is going on with everyone here? There were so many secrets, ones I could only hope would get explained. I was alone with my thoughts for a while until I came to a clearing in the woods. I stopped and looked around before suddenly realising that I didn't know which way I had come - or which way I had to go to get out. Before I had the chance to make my next move, a mass of bright red hair flashed past my eyes. There was no way a person could ever move that fast. My heart almost stopped when I heard the snap of branches behind me; I turned to see a woman - with bright red eyes to match her hair - standing a few metres away from me. 'Well well...what's a young girl like you doing alone in these woods?'

'I um...I got lost. I'm new to this area,'

' if you were to dissappear...people would just assume you didn't like it here and went back home, huh?'

'Ugh,' Who would ask a question like that? 'I g-guess so.' This strange woman's presence was making me nervous. I was about to turn a run when another sound - this time a growl - caught my attention. There - behind the woman - stood a wolf, standing proud on all fours, bearing it's sharp teeth like it was ready to pounce on its prey. I didn't have the chance to do anything before my body went limp and I felt my eyes closing. The last thing I saw before everything went black was the woman's red eyes, glowing as she and the wolf dissappeared.


this chapter isn't great but i thought it built up the story more

thanks for all the reads i've got so far keep doing that pls haha


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