▶ Storm

21 1 0

The school bell rings-with its haunting tune almost like what you hear in every horror movie- awakening me from my peaceful slumber in Mr. Sanchez's exciting Biology class. His classes were usually full of surprises and unusual group works which makes the majority of the students listen and participate . I couldn't really blame him on why I slept during his class , he's a very good chap though.

I groggily sit up and stretched my arms that hurt after all the mass my head gave . I rubbed my eyes while looking around to find any clock on one of the white laboratory walls.

" Shit . " I cursed mentally at myself for zoning out on my seat for a long time.
" Its almost 5 : 30 pm . oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh . My mom's going to kill me If I'm late for the family gathering ".

I started to pack away everything in my bag messily not bothering to arrange it.

I was almost on my way to the door when Mr. Sanchez cleared his troat rather loudly .

" Here's your homework miss Lee , the deadline is on the end of the month . Now run along with your friends and don't forget to submit this on the deadline ! ". He exclaims almost like an excited kid on his birthday .

I replied by an assuring smile and hurriedly walked through the long hallway that seem to never end and exited the school to find out it was raining quite hard .

" Just great. What a wonderful day for me" I screamed mentally at myself .

" Im late for the gathering and my parents are going to leave me behind and its raining hard and I don't have a freaking umbrella ".

I gritted my teeth getting annoyed at how stupid I am .

I rubbed both of my temples trying to calm my self down and to come up an idea to get out of this mess.

What about .. maybe , just run? I mean its not like you have a choice

My mind argued with me.

I rolled my eyes , deciding that I follow my stupid inner self says.

" Here goes nothing . "

I sighed loudly then raced myself to the bicycle stands where my bike was parked at.

Gladly my bike wasn't wet

not that i care its going to get wet either way.

exiting through the large schools gates , I noticed that one letter of the schools name labeled on the center of the walls of the entrance fell . Some walls were covered with unreadable spray painted words which caused a lot of the students to hover around it.


Nobody dared to vandalize on ' Albise Catholic School ' . No civilian even dared to enter the school because of how it was guarded by a huge amount of guards and dogs.

The people who weren't familiar of the school calls us "princess or princes " because on how enormous - a castle like - school we have and how we act.

For the "how we act" part ...

well i cannot agree on that. Most of the students act uncivilized which really pains me to see everyday.

My school was inside of a private village , to my relief my house was inside of the village so I really don't need to travel long to get to school.

The rain started to become stronger and by now I was soaking wet .

My mom wouldn't be pleased to see what a mess I am right now.

I pedaled faster and hoped that my books AND my precious phone wasn't wet in my backpack.

" Almost there , almost there Adela YOU CAN MAKE IT ! "

I chanted in my mind over and over again.

I slowed down as I neared in front of the gate of my house. I pressed the numbers on the keypad beside the gate and hurriedly to park my bike when the gate opened.

I frowned when I noticed the car was missing and the front porch door unlocked.

They must've hurried

Before opening the door and stepping inside, I took a look around the front porch for any letter .

Well that's unusual.. Mom leaves memos whenever I miss something

Closing the door and double locking it since I'm a paranoid human being
I raced to my kitchen hoping for a pile of food waiting but there wasn't any

" Great just great ! They left without even telling me and WITHOUT CLOSING THE DAMN DOOR ANNDDDD WITHOUT FOOD "

I groaned as i took out the leftover pizza from last night and placed it in the microwave .


I whipped my head from side to side and stood there quietly for a minute .
Must be the wind from the sto-


There it was again.
Now I'm freaking out! Ughhh I don't like this feeling at all

I quickly grabbed the spare knife at the counter top just in case if its an intruder .

I peered through the long dark hallway connected from the kitchen

Shit shit shit shit

I forgot to turn the lights .

Yup I'm dead I'm dead

As the clicking started to get closer ,
I continued to back away only to be greeted by the wall on my back.

My palms

My back

My forhead

My feet

Were all sweating so much . I wasn't ready for this. I wasn't ready to die yet....

Moving sideways and feeling the wall with my hand for support to find the doorknob of the guest room. I was moving fast but cautious to not make any sound and to trip of course .

The hallway felt like it was never ending

I stopped around the corner to try to calm my heavy breathing .




Okay that's it I'm running

I tried to sprint as fast as I can . My knees were shaking so much it felt like i was going to lose them.
Finally !
I felt the cold doorknob and twisted it.


The doorknob was jammed , I was at the end of the hallway and the only way to get to another room is to ran across the hallway again.


Long pause



A noise that was similarly like a heavy shoe was heard just across the other end of the hallway.

Tears formed in my eyes as I attempted to opened this damn doorknob . The doorknob miraculously got loose and I turned it with all the energy left in me .

The door threw me inside the room .
Shit that hurts
The weight i put on the door was too much .

I sat up and quickly closed the door and tried to find anything to put against it.

Im over reacting


I swear I heard a grunt

I swear i heard a mans voice curse

I swear

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