▶ Disaster

22 4 0

I looked around frantically but i saw no man standing in front of me.

Shit is he at my back?

I quickly turned around and waved my bat frantically like a dumbass.

Really where is he

I felt something touch my foot.

What the f-

Squinting my eyes i tried to look at what was touching my foot. The only source of light i got was from the thunders that come now and then.

Great just great

Bending down I looked at the poor black cat circling around me.

I panicked and hid because of


Wowww that's really brave Adela

I slid my hand through my hair and grabbed it. I was exhausted , this cat was the cause of all the commotion. How silly of me to think someone had broken in my apartment.

Gladly I didn't call the police , if i did i would be really embarrassed for life. I mean calling the police didn't even popped in my mind .

I Grabbed the cat and petted it .

Now lets see how many glasses you broke.

The cat was really soft and furry. It has golden eyes and has a golden color like collar .

I'm allergic to cats . Well, anything that has fur on , I'm allergic to it.

I turned all of the lights in the first floor of my house because I'm such a chicken. I checked the kitchen and the living room for broken glasses but to my surprise there was none.

Where could that damn thing be?

I opened the front door and opened the main gate and let the cat free. I cant take the cat inside of the house knowing my mom will castrate me if she finds out i have this furry thing shedding on everything she owns.

By the time I closed my front door and got in my lovely scary piece of shit house , I was already soaked by rain. I didn't really care , I was going to get sick anyways because of the cat.


I screamed at the house like it was going to talk and reply . I rolled my eyes and preceded to go upstairs to wash off and use the loo.

While I was showering I heard that weird clinking noise again. I decided to shake it off since I think I'm just a paranoid silly girl.

Grabbing the towel i dried myself and put on my clothes.


I hate the way the remaining water on my body sticks to my clothes.

I grabbed the charger on top of my dresser and connected it to my phone.
It was out of battery the last time i checked it.

Oh my gaaahhhh I need to wait for 5 minutes for this little garbage to work ?!!

I sighed loudly and walked to the shelves that was near the window to pick up some books to reread .

How to kill a Mockingbird

This was the only book I didn't read . Weird , right? I love reading books but this book seems to be always missing when I want to read it. I wonder if mom or dad read it and misplaced it before.


There it goes again. When would this stop? Am I going nuts?

Maybe this is because the lack of sleep today? I swear I've been hearing a lot of disturbing sounds.

I quickly popped a sleeping pill , a medication I got from insomnia since last year. I hate how this pill makes me dizzy.

I locked my bedroom door and switched the lights off. Got in bed and pulled the covers and before i knew it I was out.




I opened my eyes but something bright shone from the door which caused me to look away .

Are they home?

I regained my sight and saw that my door was wide open and the light from the hallway was open.


Didn't I just locked it before I went to bed?

Maybe its just mom and dad, they have the spare keys. I ignored it and just closed the door and climbed to bed again.

This time I didn't bother to lock the door .

Well that's a bad choice you've made

I silently walked to my door and carefully and placed my ear on it.

I heard little voices

Coming from downstairs?
It sounded like two men arguing

Then two gun shots

Shit shit shit

That's not my parents

I locked the door and quickly looked for my phone to call for help.

Shit my phone is missing.


Someone is going upstairs and that person has a gun .

I ran to my closet and pushed the clothes that were hanging from the hangers. There was a secret room inside my closet. A tiny one but 6 or 7 people can fit in it.

I closed the closet doors and fixed the clothes so the hole wasn't noticeable .

I know you're here sweetheart

A spine chilling voice said in front of the closet I was staying in

Im dead . Yep . And this isn't a damn cat anymore , its the thing I fear most.

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