"Welcome Back"

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Chapter One:

"Ok everything's ready now let's go through policy" A lady dressed in a grey dull office dress, who looked in her 30s spoke, I assumed she was the head teacher, she introduced herself but I don't exactly remember I was too busy trying to point out any familiar faces I might know but then again last time i was here I was 5. It was my first day at this new school, which meant 3 more years, this last official one, then 2 more which is counted  as college or whatever but either way... way too long

"Great" I quietly mumbled as she slowly typed my name and muttered Mi-kay-la Amber John-son before asking me if she spelt it correctly, I gave her a small nod, I personally didn't like my full name, but many people used to tell me how unique it was but it seemed normal to me.

"Ok" she finished off with a perky grin "School dress code for girls is the same; no short, tight skirt, short shorts, short tops, thin high heels, any logos that are-" she trailed off thinking of a word to describe it "rude or anything" she listed it off "piercings; I can see you have a nose stud so we're going to have to get rid of it by tomorrow, hair, nothing bright although yours is-"

"Mines not bright" I interrupted "mines white, nearly grey nothing bright about that" I've never really been a fan of bright coloured hair, not on me anyway, so I decided on letting it grow out before dying it white which after two weeks I used a shampoo which gave it a hint of grey, I really liked it and I knew it wasn't a hair colour many people here had, Whitmore was a small place, nearly everyone knew everyone, the town was pretty similar to TV shows such as Pretty little liars, well without all the murder and sorts. It was a nice place to live in, weather was great, school was great I guess I don't remember much of it, and you were basically invited to every party so that's cool.

"Right, we like to make sure our students are happy being themselves so as long as that colour doesn't turn into a bright one" she laughed, I smiled and looked around the office.


After my 'somewhat' tour, I was taken to my new locker which was grey, I looked around the other lockers and they were all different colours, considering this is a private school I guess they give you a lot more freedom or whatever, I opened it and put my new diary inside it. After quietly shutting it hoping to not draw any attention to me, I stared at a poster about some sort of art class but I couldn't make out what it said exactly so I tried my hardest to focus but there was a guy in front of me making it hard "Can I help you?" the guy snapped me from my thoughts, I shot him a confused look "Well you're just staring at me its kind of annoying and although I'm flattered you're not my type" he looked at me up and down as if I'm from a completely different world.

"I sure hope I'm not" I mumbled yet not keeping my eyes off the poster and allowing myself to give him a fake smile "But i'm actually trying to read the poster and you just happened to be in front of it" I finally made eye contact with him feeling a slightly uneasy yet familiar feeling

He stared at me for a few seconds as if he's in a trance but rapidly broke out of it then chuckled slightly "Yeah whatever, you're new right?" he asked and I nodded wondering if we were gonna become, acquaintance "Welcome, I have one tip"

"Cool what is it?" I asked a little too excited

"Stay out of my way" he flashed me a smile showing his snow like teeth before pushing past me, I stood there feeling like an idiot then looked at him walk away to a group of boys and girls "Hey" he said as they all turned to him

"Hey Calum" three girls all smothered him at once, I scoffed and shut my locker, great I'm stuck being locker buddy with one of the popular kids which was the type of people I HATED, being a foster kid you're always moving places to places, school to school and it's tiring, you'd think I'd be used to dealing with being the new girl but I'm not, it's scary but I did learn to just stay away from the popular ones which is exactly what I plan on doing. I walked towards a set of double door with a sign that read 'Music' which I think was my next lesson, before I even had the time to stop the door it swung into someone, a boy who's books fell everywhere along with many papers causing a few people to look over "who is that?" I heard someone say "I think it's a new girl" "her hairs white" yes random person yes it is.

I made no eye contact with who ever it was but I apologised countless of times as he quietly told me it was ok, we both picked up his belongings before someone in black doc Martins stepped on the book I was about to pick, I slowly looked up to see the boy from before , Calum I guess "Hey Willy" he spoke as the boy and I stood up "Where's my maths paper I need it by last period" he reached down and picked up the book

"My names Will-" he snatched the book from Calum's hand "-And I haven't done it I won't be here last period" he shakily told him, I could tell he was pretty scared or nervous or just angry or all of the above

"So do it before lunch" Before the boy could say anything Calum lightly slapped his cheeks twice "-See you Willy" he smiled then walked away

The boy muttered 'dick' under his breath as I awkwardly fixed the papers I was holding onto, I handed it back to him while I admired his drawing skills of band logos "These are really good" I said quietly hoping he wouldn't lash out at me for hitting him with a door "Sorry again for hitting you"

"Thanks and it's fine honestly" he said in a strong British accent while fixing his glasses then brushing his hand on his neatly done brunette hair "I'm William Bennett- Uh well Will" he stuck his hand out

I shook it "I'm Mikayla b-but you can call me Kayla or whatever" I smiled "So who's that?" I asked him

"Calum Hood-" he looked at the boy who was now with 2 more guys, a blonde one and one with bleached blonde hair similar to mine except mine was slightly greyer where as his was more white. They were all dressed similar; skinny ripped jeans, band t-shirt, Calum had a white flannel wrapped around his waist and the blonde one had a red one "The one with your hair colour is called Michael Clifford and the blonde one is Luke Hemmings or something in case you're wondering" he answered my thoughts "Personally I'd stay away from them, unless you wanna keep doing homework for them everyday, anyway what lesson have you got now?" he asked

"I think it's music but I'm not too sure" I told him, he said he had music so we both walked to class and stood outside waiting until the three boys showed up staring at both of us. Welcome back to Whitmore Kayla I thought to myself.


hey so yay first chapter
I'm excited for this story idk about you but I ammmmmm!!! please vote and comment it makes me update a helluva lot faster so yeah!

Also I would like to thank my friends Natalie Hipperson  ( Instagram @earthtwings ) and Jamie Jackson ( Instagram @j.vmie_ ) for helping me with a name for Mikayla and William Bennett (Who I picture as Mike aka sighmike by the way) and also for helping me figure out what to make this story about! So thanks guyssss!!

anyway I hope you carry on reading this story and I'll see you next chapter

peace x

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