"Everyone Gives Up On Me"

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Chapter 2:

"You can sit here" Will motioned to the seat next to him, I sat down and looked around the classroom, there were pictures of instruments and a door that led to the instruments. I looked at the students which also looked at me, some smiled, some didn't but I just smiled back "Ugh" I heard Will moan, I looked at the door as Calum and the other two boys walked in, they sat behind us while chatting away about some sort of concert.

"Alright class we have a new student-" a man dressed in white spoke while smiling at me "- Miss Johnson would you like to introduce yourself to the class?"

"Uh sure" I awkwardly stood up as all eyes were focused on me "My names M-Mikayla, I uhm I was born here and moved away when I was 6 and staying in London for a while then uh Paris but now I'm back here" I said instantly regretting it considering it made me look like a huge show off

I heard a few oo's but not the type that made me feel embarrassed, somebody asked me how is Paris like which I gladly answered, a few questions later I sat down as I received a couple of smiles which made me feel happy and welcome... That is until "Hey" someone pulled a strand of my hair, I turned around as Calum and the other two stared at me "Why did you move around so much? Did nobody want you to stick around a lot?" Calum laughed

"I know I don't" the guy with similar hair colour spoke, the blonde one remained silent but I still felt uncomfortable "So what? You're just gonna stare at us? Weirdo" They both laughed

"Hey why don't you just leave her alone?" Will turned around, I smiled and faced forward but soon felt both our chairs being kicked "What the hell?" Will stood up

"Oh little willy has a temper" Calum stood up after him then poked his arm numerous time "Go on then do something"

"Hey break it off" The teacher pushed Calum "Calum and Michael get out, William sit down" they all done so but before Calum left he mumbled something to Will which I didn't hear but I ignored it.
Great way to start the school year.


"Hey" Will caught up to me "how was business?" he asked

"Great! I met this really nice girl-" I tried remembering her name "Adrianna?"

"Oh... Ade yeah s-she's nice" Will said quickly as we walked away

"Don't you like her?" I asked "Or do you LIKE her?" I winked, although we just met he seems really cool

"No no I like her but it's just that back in 7th grade Calum started a rumour saying she had sex with someone in the boys bathroom" he explained me "which wasn't true by the way because she was with me that day"

"So, why didn't you just say that?" I asked as we reached his locker

"I did but then Calum told everyone that I was the boy with her" he grabbed his lunch and we walked away "But whatever, anyway do you wanna share lunch or did you bring your own?"

"Oh I bought min-"

"Hey Willy" Calum pushed him against his locker "Where's my homework?"

"I told you I'll do it!" he snapped, Calum walked away after smirking at me "I'm gonna go outside do his stupid calculus homework-"

"I'll help, weirdly enough I'm good at calculus" I laughed

"Thanks" he smiled.


"Hey how was your first day?" Grace asked as I entered the building "Were people nice to you? Did you make friends? Did you reg-"

"Grace" I interrupted her questions, Grace was the carer of this place, the adoption centre, where I was living now "No people were not nice, yes I made a friend ish but I'm really tired right now so I wanna go up to my room"

"Wait" she stopped me "There's- Theres a lady here to see you" she smiled, see me? That usually meant- "I think they wanna adopt you" she said happily. I put my bag down and followed her to the living room where a woman sat there talking to Harriet, another worker here, I sat down in front of them, the woman had long ginger hair, beautiful blue eyes and her freckles covered her face, I would assume she's possibly 30. She seemed really sweet, I really do wonder if she's here to adopt me, but why would she want a 17 year old who's been labeled as troubled? "Mikayla would you like to introduce yourself sweetie?" Grace nudged me

"Right, uhm hi my names Mikayla" I introduced myself for what felt like the 20th time today, she smiled happily and shook my hand

"Hello I've heard so much about you" she spoke softly "How was your first day at school?" she asked, I looked at her in confusion she came here to ask me how my first day was? "I work there, Grace and I have been friends for years she's told me everything about you"

"So you're here to just ask me how my day was?" I asked feeling a bit angry but I had no idea why? It's not like someone would wanna adopt me anyway plus I don't want anyone to! I'm nearly 18 I can get a job and move out I don't need anyone "Thanks but it was the highlight of my day, now if you don't mind I'm going upstairs to shower" I got up and went to my room which I shared with Melissa, an 11 year old who's actually getting adopted next week "Hey Mel" i greeted her quietly

"Hey did you meet her?" she asked "The lady? She seemed so nice, so when are you moving in?" I stood there speechless not knowing what she was talking about "You do know she came to adopt you right?"


"Wow I can't believe it" Melissa said as we packed some of my things away "you're getting adopted!"

"Not because I want to! But because I heard them talking about needing more space last week for the new twins and- and I don't know I guess they'll need it more than I do, I jus- I just really wanted to move out on my own" I told her, I ended up saying yes, I mean I guess yeah it'd be cool to have a family but I've been adopted and put back before, I just don't believe that this time will be any different... My family gave up on me just like my last three adoptive parents, they'll eventually give up on me too, everyone gives up on me.



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