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Chapter 4

"That is so funny" I told Rebekah as I tried to get my breath back, she was telling me about the time she got lost in France and ended up bumping into Keith Lemon

"But I didn't even know who he was" we both laughed "He kept trying to tell me 'From celebrity juice dammit how do you not know me?' and I just stood there like a lost puppy" I laughed even louder "I'm so excited for this, I've always wanted a sister"

I smiled but didn't say anything "Hey Rebekah" Helen walked in "What has Mikey been up to at school? Is he not going lessons?" she shook her head "ugh I don't know what to do with him, Mikey's always been such a good boy-"

"Mum you know he hates it when people call him that" Rebekah interrupted "Maybe he's finally going through puberty" Helen laughed then said goodnight and walked out "We should probably get some sleep too, goodnight Mikayla"

"Night" I said then laid down.
An hour or so later I still couldn't sleep, I kept thinking about how my life could've been like if I had both parents, how it must've felt to walk in from a tough day at school and have both of them greet you with warm hugs, have family nights, play monopoly together, like they do in movies. I didn't realise I was crying until I felt myself gasp for air, I stood up and silently walked out to get a drink.

It took me a while but I managed to get downstairs in silence and into the kitchen, after searching through 3 cupboards I found the cups and poured myself water from the tap "Hey" I jumped and quickly turned around "Sorry did I scare you?" Niklaus stood there in his pyjamas

"Yeah it's fine sorry I was just getting water" I went to drink it but he stopped me

"There's water in the fridge you don't have to drink it from the tap" he chuckled then poured water for me

"I didn't wanna seem intrusive" I mumbled

"You live here now, you're allowed to be intrusive, everyone else is" he laughed "Are you okay?" he asked and I nodded "Are you sure you look like you've been crying?"

"Yeah I was just- uhm bad dream" I told him "I'm gonna go back to bed so, goodnight"

"Goodnight Mikayla" he smiled.


I quickly got changed into a simple denim skirt, tights, my all time favourite The 1975 baseball shirt which I should probably get a new one some time later "You girls ready?" Turns out Helen drops us all to school, except Michael, apparently he bought his own car, there was a rule at the house which was none of them were supposed to have a car otherwise the mums would have to get one for each child but Michael didn't like that rule so he got one for himself, in exchange of keeping the car he was supposed to drive everyone to school but he already left so I guess Helen has to drop us off now "Make sure you bring a jacket girls it's cold"

Not long after we got in we were already at school, once we were off Niklaus went towards a group of guys and Rebekah began walking away, I awkwardly stood there watching everyone "You coming?" she called, I began walking behind her towards a few girls who all looking smartly yet casually dressed "Girls this is Mikayla" she introduced me "This is Fleur, Ellie and Katie" they all nicely smiled back, two of the girls began telling Rebekah some story about a girls dress at some party while, I assumed was Fleur turned to me

"So met anyone interesting? Anyone you like in this school? Have you got a boyfriend-"

"You'll have to forgive Fleur, she's a bit uh forward" A blonde boy with a lip piercing put his arm over her

"That's why you like me" she smirked, the boy didn't say anything back but instead he stared at me and then I remembered his name "This is Luke, my boyfriend"

"I know, she already got Calum's attention" Luke smirked at me, I acted as if I didn't know who he was so I questioned "Don't lie to yourself you know who I'm talking about" his name got called out by Michael walking through the gates "See you later" he said to Fleur but still looking at me.

After he walked away one of the girls who was talking to Rebekah wasn't there anymore cause I'm sure I saw 3 new faces, I happen to have a really good memory, wouldn't exactly call it photographic memory but pretty close especially with faces, small things like how my old stepmother used to play with her fingers and shake quite a lot, I never understood why but after learning about drugs and stuff I got the hang of it "Ellie come on he's chatting shit you know Luke, he loves to start drama" Calum came walking after Ellie, she rolled her eyes and walked up to us as Calum angrily walked up to Luke who was standing not too far from us and pushed him back, I quickly looked away before they saw me looking, watching a fight is almost like inviting yourself to get involved, I've learnt that the hard way.

"Uh oh trouble in paradise?" Rebekah laughed, Ellie didn't say anything "Ellie what's wrong why do you look so angry?" the girls all turned to her and Fleur gasped to herself "Fleur?"

"You heard Luke didn't you?" she asked and Ellie nodded "He was saying it cause he knew you could hear us, he's just joking El"

"Is Calum your boyfriend?" I asked Ellie and she nodded sweetly, I was expecting her to not even answer, probably blame me for what Luke said "Well I assure you what Luke meant by 'Got Calum's attention' really just means he knocked over someone's book and I was with him, he just spoke to me" I told her, she smiled looking a lot calmer

"It's just Calum does this a lot, I always get the feeling he's cheating on me and you've seen the group of girls that drool all over them haven't you?" Ellie asked "I know one of them is just waiting for me to slip up and jump on him"

"Well from the looks of it there's a lot of girls talking to him at the moment" Katie pointed at him

"If I were you I'd walk up to him right now as if nothing happened and kiss the shit out of him" I told her, she laughed and nodded then walked away

"Wow look at that, the new girl gets along with Ellie- That's a first" Katie said

"And she's got pretty cool hair too" Fleur laughed and winked at me

"And she's my new sister so I win" Rebekah smiled "And we're gonna be late so let's go."


hey guys I'm sorry for slow updates, please don't stop reading it but they're always gonna be pretty slow I'm sorry :(
also I went to see the 1975 on the 24th so yaaaaaaaaaaay

cool bye xoxoxoxooxoxxo

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2015 ⏰

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