"What have i gotten into"

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Chapter Three;

"Watch your step" Helen, my new adoptive mum said, she held the door open for me, I slowly walked in and looked around, the house was huge, it had a mahogany coloured floor and walls. She showed me to the kitchen, bathrooms, living room, dining room, garden and finally to the room I'll be staying "For now you will be sharing with Rebekah-"

"Mum!" a girl called out downstairs

"That's her, come on" she smiled "let's go meet the rest of the family" we walked downstairs towards the kitchen where a blonde girl and a slightly darker blonde boy ate a sandwich

"Who's this?" the boy said in a strong accent I couldn't make out where he was from, my best guess would be British

"This is Mikayla, your new sister" she smiled, the girl smiled too but the boy remained staring at me "This is Rebekah-" she was interrupted by Rebekah hugging me "And this is Niklaus or Nik he doesn't like his full name" she laughed "Oh we didn't get to properly meet, I'm Helen Clifford I'm so happy to have you here"

"I'm Mikayla" I smiled, I felt really welcomed here but I knew I shouldn't get too used to this "Did you say Clifford?" I asked, I'm sure I've heard this name before

Helen was about to speak but another lady walked in, she was tanned, black hair and blue eyes "Hey honey, is this Mikayla?" she asked, I could tell she was Spanish , I nodded slowly "Hello it's so nice to finally meet you" she hugged me, I awkwardly hugged her back

"This is my wife Theresa" Helen smiled

"She's-She's your w-wife?" I asked, they nodded but looked a bit hurt "That's cool" I said "That's really cool" two mums, that's weird but cool, I've never been against gays, I admire them and now I have two adoptive mums

"Let's go unpack" Rebekah said, we went upstairs, I picked up my suitcase and opened it "You're sharing with me for about a month or so until the extra is redone then that's where you'll be staying" she opened an empty wardrobe and told me I could start putting my things in there

"So tell me about living here" I asked her

"Well, my brother and I, Nik, we were adopted when we 3, our mother was an alcoholic so" she told me as she handed me piles of clothes, she told me a bit more about her life and she seemed quite cool, "Let's go have dinner"

We walked downstairs to the dining room, Theresa put out 6 plates of spaghetti and we each sat down although there was an empty seat in front of me "Where the hell is this boy?" Theresa asked "I got a call from school today, says he was bunking a lesson-"

"Are you serious?" Helen asked "What is wrong with him, this is the second time this week" she groaned, before any of us said anything I heard a door slam behind me "Michael where were you?" she asked

I slowly chewed on my food without looking behind me "I was with Luke, who's this?" I turned to my right and saw the boy with familiar hair, familiar clothing and familiar voice "You? You're the Mikayla?" he asked

"Uh, uh yeah" I muttered, what have I gotten into.


Yes I have used Joseph Morgan and Claire Holt as the brother and sister cause I love them so much man but anyway sorry this was a short one it was just a filler the next one will be longer I promise x


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