Chapter 15 - The Day Before Prom

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Tomorrow theres prom and the girls decides to go shopping for a dress.

Violetta+Camila+Francesca:Hey gus

Diego: Fran would you like to hangout this morning?

Fran : As i would loved to... I can't me and girls are going shopping for tomorrow's Prom

Diego: ohh its okey. We can meet later.

Violetta: Anyways we have to go boys.

Broduey+Diego: Bye

Leon:Bye love

The girl went into alot of shops.they tried alot of dresses.
But then Camila remembered that her mother had told her that theres a shop around there that have some cute dresses so they went in.

Violetta liked a short blue dress and bought some jewellry with it. Violetta tried the dress andit fitted perfectly.

Fran: Wow you look wonderful

Camila: gorgeous

Camila liked a short pink dress. She tried it on and it fitted perfectly too.

Fran liked a short Green dress. It fitted perfectly. When they bought the dress they went to a jewellery they bought some jewellery that matched the dresses.

Then they decided to go and have something at the starbucks.

Violetta: i am so excited girls... it is the end of the year and we are all together. I love it

Camila:Yeah me too. I am so and so excited for prom. And i want to have my first proper kiss with Broduey

Fran: No worries they say that if you kiss at midnight it means good luck

Camila: that is great. And there is prom king and queen too.

Fran: Me and Diego will be for sure

Camila and Violetta laughs

Violetta: yeah yeah we will see but i hope that its one of us

Camila: yeah

Fran:Lets just go back to the Academy to rest for a little bit cause tomorrow we have a full day ahead of us. And then we can all hangout today in the evening.

They went back,put the dress somewhere safe and where the boys wont find it ans see it and went into their rooms to rest a little bit.

In the afternoon they decided to go out together. The six of them.

They went to eat. There was even some music and they started dancing and singing and the other people started dancing too.
Later they talked about Prom. They had a blast. They went back to Academy and went to sleep.


Soon ready...
I even cant wait for next update.

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Love you all peeps :)

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