Chapter Twenty-two

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I woke by the sound of my phone ringing. I looked at the clock and it was around 8 in the morning. I picked it up to see that it was Andrea.


“Goodmorning Vanessa. Sorry to wake you up but I got good news. Ellen wants you on her show today!! I know it’s like just out of the blue but I need you to fly here for the interview like now.”

“What? Ellen? As in THE Ellen from the Ellen show?”

“Yes that one. Oh and Justin is gonna be in the interview too. Did he tell you?”

“No. No he didn’t. Have you told my dad?” I asked

“Yeah. I talked to him last night he was gonna tell you but I guess you went to sleep or something. I already have your plane tickets and everything I just need you here.”

“Ok um when’s the flight?” I asked

“9:30 and the interview is at 2.”

“Ok am I just going for today or I’m gonna be there more days.”

“Yeah actually you’re gonna be here a few days to do interviews and radio stations and stuff so you need to pack a suitcase for a few days.”

“Oh ok well I’m going to get ready now.”

“Ok I’ll see you here. Bye.”


I just sat there just like amazed. Like what? I’m just… omg. I have to pack!! I ran to change and packed some of my stuff in a suitcase. When I finished that I was now 8:50 so I woke up Justin.

“Justin?” he wouldn’t wake up. “Justin don’t wake up I’m changing.”

After I said that he shot up. I bust out laughing and he just looked at me weird.

“Haha did you really think I was changing?” I laughed

“Yeah.” He said embarrassed

“Haha no. Anyway I’m leaving to LA to the Ellen show are you going too or something?” I asked

“Oh yeah I meant to tell you about that.”

“Yeah well I’m leaving now because the flight is in like 30 minutes. I don’t want to be late.”

“Yeah I’m going too just let me get my stuff.” He walked out to my balcony and came back with a suitcase.

“Really?” I asked

“Yep. Come on let’s go or we’re going to be late.” He said

We got on the plane and headed to LA. I went to sleep during the entire flight I guess Justin did too. We finally got there and headed to an apartment Andrea said to meet her at. We got to the apartment building. It looked pretty nice. We got to the apartment and knocked on the door and Andrea opened it.

“Hey guys come in.” she said

“Nice place.” Justin said

“Actually this is Vanessa’s.” she said. I looked at her shocked.


“Yeah this is yours since you’re probably going to be coming to LA a lot you need a place to stay so I bought you this. It’s all yours.” She said while handing me the keys.

“Really?” I asked. She nodded her head

“Thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome. Now get your stuff ready so you can bring it so you can change at the show.” She said


We got to the show and me and Justin had separate dressing rooms so we could change. so i went and changed. (picture of outfit on side)  And got ready for them to call my name.

“Okay everyone I want you to welcome a new up and coming artist. She sings the song Can’t Hold Us feat Justin Bieber. Here is Vanessa Vazquez.” Ellen called me.

 I walked out and everyone clapped and cheered. I just smiled and waved. I walked to Ellen and gave her a hug.

“Hey Vanessa. How are you?”

“Hi. I’m great you?”

“I’m great. You’re beautiful by the way.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. So you’re new to the singing thing. How is it?”

“It’s great I’m having fun but yeah it’s great.” I laughed

“Are you giggly all the time?” she asked and everyone laughed

“I don’t know.” I laughed

“It’s cute thought because you just giggle out of now where.”

“Thank you I guess” I said

“Moving on. How was making Can’t Hold Us with Justin?”

“It was fun. We tried to make the song fun and catchy. It was a process but I think we got it.”

“I would say you did. I love the song by the way.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. I was looking through your instagram pictures. No I’m not a stalker by the way. But I found this picture of you and this little kid. And you put me and my baby boy. Is he your son or something?” she asked

“Actually yes he his.” I said

“Really? Where’s the father?”

“Umm when I was around 13, I was umm raped and ended up pregnant. So I had Carlos, my son, and I’m really happy I have him.” I said trying to hold back my tears

“Oh I’m sorry to hear that.”

“It’s ok. If it wasn’t for that I wouldn’t have Carlos. I’m really greatfull I have him. He’s my entire world. If it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t be the strong independent women I am today. So I have him to thank.” Everyone clapped and hollered

“Is he here today?” she asked

“Sadly no. He stayed in Canada but next time he will be.”

“Great I would love to meet him. Well right now I want to bring out Justin Bieber because he’s here today. Come out here Justin.” Justin walked out and everyone went crazy. He hugged Ellen then me and we sat down.

“Hey Justin.” Ellen said

“Hey. What’s up guys?” he said

“So how’s life treating you Justin?” she asked

“It’s treating me great. I’m great.”

“That’s nice to hear. So how was it working on the song with Vanessa?”

“It was great. It was really fun. She’s really fun.” He said while looking at me.

“So I hear you guys already did a music video for it. Is that true?” she asked

“Yeah.” I said

“When are we gonna be able to see it?”

“Soon.” I said

“Ok well there’s been a rumor going around that you two are together is that true?” she asked while a picture of both of us appeared on the screen behind us.

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