Chapter Twenty-three

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We just sat there and Justin looked at me I smiled and he answered.

“Yeah it’s true. We’re together.” He said while grabbing my hand and kissing it. Everybody awed.

“So is this like the first time you’ve told anybody?” she asked

“Yeah we tried to keep it a secret for a while but I guess everybody already guessed it.” I laughed

“Yeah because people already thought you were together, by the way you guys hung out and stuff. How long have you guy’s been together?”

“Since Christmas.” Justin said

“Wow almost a month right?”

“Yeah.” I said

“Well you make a great couple and I’m happy for you.”

“Thank you.” We both said at the same time. We just looked at each other and laughed.

“Well everyone we’re going to go on a small break but when we come back Janessa is gonna sing Can’t Hold Us. We’ll be right back.” With that we went off air.

“It was really nice meeting you Vanessa.” She said

“You too.”

“What was the whole Janessa thing about?” Justin asked

“That’s what their calling you now. So I figured I’d spread it around.” She said

“Oh ok.”

“Well you guys should get ready to perform.” She said.

We nodded then headed to the stage to get ready to sing. I was pretty nervous and Justin could tell.

“It’s ok you’re going to do great.” He told me. I nodded my head and he gave me a kiss. Before I knew it Ellen introduced us and we started singing.

We were dancing around acting crazy and having fun and towards the end of the song Justin kissed me infront of everybody. They went crazy and I just laughed and waved goodbye. We headed back stage and I smacked Justin in the arm.

“Ow. What was that for?” he asked

“Why’d you do that?” I asked

“What I can’t kiss my girlfriend on national television?” he asked while pulling me close to him. Our faces were now inches away and he leaned in to kiss me but I turned my head so he kissed me on the check. I just laughed and ran away.

“Come back here!” Justin ran after me. I ran into my dressing room. I was about to close the door when someone’s foot was in the way. I recognized the shoe and it was Justin’s. I tried pushing it close but no luck.

“Move your foot Justin! I have to change!” I said

“Not until you kiss me.”

“Never gonna happen.”

“Fine then you’re just gonna have to change with the door open.” He said with a smirk on his face.

“Ok fine.” I let go of the door and ran into the bathroom and shut it before he could put his foot in the door again. I laughed and locked the door so I could change. I finished changing and came back out and Justin pushed me to the wall and had me surrounded so I couldn’t get out.

“Are you going to kiss me now?” he asked

“Ummm…… no. Now move!” I tried pushing him but he was too strong.

“Come on just one kiss. Please.” He did his puppy eyes. Curse his puppy eyes!

“Fine just one.” He smiled really big and then kissed me. I tried to pull away but I couldn’t. I needed air but he was still kissing me. I pushed him back and he finally pulled apart.

“Dang Justin do you want me to lose my breath or something?”

“Sorry you just kiss so good.”

“Ok let’s go now because I’m starving.”

“Ok.” He grabbed my hand and we headed out.

We went out to have breakfast and while we ate some people recognized us. They asked for a picture some just with Justin, some just with me, and some with both of us. It was pretty fun.

After that I had to go back to the apartment to get Andrea so we could go to the interviews. We went to a few radio stations and they practically all asked the same thing.

“So we heard this morning that you and Justin Bieber are together. Is that true?” the interviewer asked

“Yep we are.”

“So how is it? How is it going out with Justin Bieber?”

“It’s not really different from going out with anybody else I guess. He’s just a regular guy living his dream. He’s a really amazing guy, very corny but amazing. Haha. But it’s great he’s fun to be around and I’m glad I’m with him.”

“So you probably already know you’re going to get hate right?”

“Yes I’m very aware of that. There were these people on twitter that were like ‘he’s only with her so she can get publicity’ and ‘she just wants to get more famous that’s why she’s with him’ it’s like really crazy stuff their saying.”

“And what do you respond back?”

“I don’t really respond back. I just ignore them but I really do want people to know that I’m not with him for that. For publicity. We got together before I started my career. I hung out with him not when he was Justin Bieber the famous superstar but Justin Bieber the regular at home funny prankster guy. I don’t want him for his money or for his fame I want him for him. For who he is and that’s what I want people to understand.”

“Well it seems like you really like him.”

“I really do.”

“Well it was great having you here Vanessa. It was nice meeting you hopefully you’ll come back soon.”

“Thank you so much for having me. And I’d love to come back.”

After all of that was over I finally got to come back to the apartment and got to sleep that god.

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