Bitter sweet

547 13 3

Liam; hayden? {Runs to hug her } oh my god your alive

Hayden; something's wrong
Liam; what
Hayden; it hurts
Hayden starts throwing up black blood
Scott; what did you do
Liam; I bit her
Scott; you idiot you can't bite her it's not going to take only an alpha can and that's if the bite will take
Liam: so bite her
Scott; it's to late you already did I can't help her liam

Hayden falls liam catches her; please.. Don't leave me
Liam; I'm here
Hayden; I think I knew
Liam; knew what
Hayden; that there was something different about you. It's okay liam it's perfect I'm in the arms of my first friend.. My first kiss the first guy I ever liked and the first guy I..
Liam; no please don't not like this hayden stay with me.. I love you
Hayden; I love you to . You have to tell my sister tell my sister I'm proud of her and I'm proud of us and that I love her and liam your not a monster your the best thing that happened to me never forget that.
She dies In his arms
Liam ; cries
Clarke walks in with two coffees; she drops them no hayden, hayden please wake up she falls to the ground
1 hour later Melissa; I'm so sorry we need to take her now

Liam tells Clarke what she said and Clarke goes and says goodbye to her; I don't know what I'm going to do without you. your all I have I'm never going to forget you I love you little sis and I'm so sorry I couldn't save you.

As graduation came along Liam wasn't talking to scott or any of his friends not even mason he was depressed and he missed hayden everytime he walked Down the hall he thought of her he saw her. Her seat in history stayed empty. Liam was failing his classes.

2 weeks later was Hayden's funeral
Hayden's sister said a little speech and then Hayden's bestfriend Amanda said something
Clarke handed liam a letter she found from hayden after the funeral

Dear Liam, if your reading this it's because I'm gone, I bet your asking how did she know she was going to die. We'll it's not everyday gold comes out of your nose in just had a feeling it was coming. I just wanted to know it wasn't your fault you tried to save me if anything you kept me from not falling apart so thank you for being there even when I didn't want you to. Oh and liam I will never forget so please promise me that I'll always be in your heart and when you think of me think of my shiny brown hair I'll miss you and one day stop missing me and when that happens it's okay cause I know you'll find someone like you found me.
Love Hayden

{Because of the way it's going on Teenwolf I try to keep it a little bit along with the series sorry it's not a happy ending }

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2015 ⏰

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