Chapter 10.

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So it's like 3.30am here in London and I thought as this really cool person kellictacotime was voting and commenting like mad, I'd update and then sleep so here you go. Kinda forgot what the plot for this story was so this chapter is probably gonna suck monkey balls, just saying.

I sat on the bathroom floor while Justin cleaned my bloody face like I was a child. My dad didn't even do much damage and it's not like he hadn't punched me before. Hitting each other used to be our way of communicating. Normal people would just be like 'hi' but us saying 'hi' is blow to the face and feeling the blood rush straight to your cheek as adrenaline pumos through your veins an- I think I'm enjoying this a bit too much, my dad just fucking smashed my face into a mirror for being gay like what the actual fuck is wrong with him.

"Are you okay?" Justin asjed quietly. I was still quite mad at him though.

"Honestly do I look okay"

"I know sorry. He shouldn't of even touched you. He should of just left angry"

"Justin, I'm not upset with him because he ruined my amazing5 attractive face"

"Self centred much? Then why are you upset"

"Because that bastard got blood on my dress!"


"Yes, this dress was so expensive and now there's blood on it"

"Kellin for fucks sake!"


"You're not even a real girl so why do you even care about that stupid dress! You should be mad at me for what I said earlier and I'm still mad at you"

"You have no valid reason to be mad at me Justin!"

"Yes I do. We're getting revenge not getting you a boyfriend why can't you understand that!"

"I do understand that but Mr. Know it all, you made this plan therefore should know the consequences and know that me falling for Vic in the process would happen but if you're worried let me make it clear. I don't want him, yes he's super hot and like the most sexiest guy I've met but I do not want to be with him. Once this is done I'm leaving and it'll all be over okay? I'll be gone and don't worry I won't keep in contact either. That's one less pussy for you to deal with right?" I said and shoved past him. Although he followed behind me.

"You still don't get it do you!"

"Get what Justin. Is this about us? What we had in the past is gone okay, I apologised! You need to forgive and forget"

"How can I though! Kellin I tried forgiving you, I basically have forgiven you. Don't use Vic for your own good"

"What's so bad about me and Vic though? We get along pretty well and yeah I like the guy, doesn't mean I'm gonna drop this act and fuck the guy... although that would be fun- no, I'm here for business not pleasure. I'm here for my best friend.... I'm here for you Justin, but I'm honestly tired of your shit and weird mood swings"

"ugh! You're still not understanding!"

"What is there to understand!"

"The fact that I love you Kellin damn it. Why don't you see that my feelings for you are stilk there and you hurt me and you're hurting me more and I hate you but I love you and I don't know, it's ugh!"

"Yeah well I don't love you at least not anymore. Life is 'ugh' sorry but like I said, once this is done I'm gone and we're done"

"Do me a favour Kellin?"

She's Really A Guy. 《Kellic》Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz