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Bloom : Y... Your one of them?!
Darren : That is none of your concern....
Bloom : "cough" But.... Why?
Darren : WHY?! Because you all made a fool of me!
Bloom : .......
Darren : Those men blamed me for my brother's death .... My brother always teases my in the past...... You rejected me..... Why?! Why does no one care about how I feel?!!
Bloom : ......
Darren : Any last words before I finish you?!
Bloom : Yes 3... No 4 words.... Darren, I love you...
Darren : ....... Ngghhhhh.... Grrrrr...... LIAR!!
Bloom : !!!! Fine.... Have it your way! IDIOT!!!

Bloom jumped towards him.

Nightmare's body was still possessed by the man that wanted the sixth key.
Nightmare : Shadow spring!!!
Shines : Shining armor!
Nightmare : Graaaarrrrr!!!
Nightmare : ARGH!!!! I AM NOT STAR!!! Yes my pet.... You aren't Star..... Looks like I can leave you now.

Nightmare's body smoked and then her eyes turned back to normal.
Nightmare : So you said that I am your sibling?!
Brighter : YES YOU ARE!!!
Nightmare : Prove it!!!!!

Nightmare took a sharp crystal from her pocket and started holding it in front of her neck.
Nightmare : Give me all of your powers!
Diamond : W.. WHAT?!!
Nightmare : Or I will kill myself!

Nightmare started pushing the crystal to her throat. Blood started dripping.
Nightmare : Nghhh......
Nightmare : Give your powers or I'll do worse!
Brighter : ...........

The three looked at each other and nodded. They flew away and entered the void.
Nightmare : What?!
Brighter, Shines, and Diamond : Goodbye.... Nightmare........
Then they dropped theirselves into the void. Three sparks floated into Nightmare's chest. She could already feel the energy running deep inside her.
Nightmare : .......... I'm....... Star...........

Tears stained Nightmare's cheeks as she screamed in agony and guilt.

At the mountain
Man : Finally we meet again Light God......
Light God : WHAT DO YOU WANT?!!
Man : I told you, I want the key to the sixth diamond.
Light God : You'll never get her!
Man : Oh yes I will! But first I have to get rid of you!
Light God : Not a chance!........ Brother....

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