Jerry Springer: CM Punk and Dean Ambrose

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Main Character: Tara Lee

Family: AJ Lee (sister); CM Punk (brother-in-law)

Main Problem: AJ Lee is on Jerry Springer to sort out her issues with Nikki Bella for trying to sleep with her husband.

Main Characters: Dean Ambrose; Tara Lee; CM Punk; AJ Lee; The Bella Twins

Tara Lee's

I was in the back of the studio on the Jerry Springer show because I'm backing up my sister against Nikki Bella.

We all work in the WWE and I had just defeated Nikki for the divas championship last night at Payback.

"AJ, what's going on?" Jerry asks.

"Jerry, I'm here because I wanna confront the bitch that tried to sleep with my husband." April says and I smile.

"Oh, wow. How'd this happen?" Jerry asks.

"I had just finished an interview with my sister after she had beat Nikki for the divas title when my husband, Phil, came up to me and told me that Nikki had offered to sleep with him if he helped her take out my sister." AJ says.

"And your husband is telling the truth?" Jerry asks.

"That's what I'm here find out." AJ says.

"Well, let's find out. Here's Nikki Bella." Jerry says.

The fans boo and Nikki walks out in a dress and heels. I shake my head.

"Did you do that?" AJ asks.

"Yes, I did." Nikki says.

AJ attacks her and the bell rings as the fans cheer. They were pulled apart and held back.

"You're nothing but a whore! You have a boyfriend! Why do you want my husband?!" AJ yells.

"Your sister took my title and your husband is the only one who can get me to her!" Nikki yells.

"How?! He's not the manager! Or the boss! He's just another wrestler! On the road to being champion!" AJ yells.

"He got her her job back so he's in charge of her contract!" Nikki yells.

"My husband and my sister are very close! They have an unbreakable bond! They always have mine and each other's back! They're not gonna just let some whore break their bond apart!" AJ yells.

It's true. Phil is basically the older brother I never had and always wanted.

"Let's bring him out. Here's CM Punk." Jerry says.

The fans cheer as Phil walks out.

"You know I'm better than her! Why don't you just leave her?!" Nikki says.

Is this bitch forreal?

"You're nothing but a whore and a lying, manipulative, bitch!" Phil says and I smile.

"He's mine! You're not getting him!" AJ says.

"That's fine. I've got someone else on my mind." Nikki says.

"Who is that someone?" AJ asks.

"Dean Ambrose." Nikki says.

.... What?

AJ Lee's

Does Nikki have a death wish? Tara is going to murder her.

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