Jerry Springer: The Shield

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Main Character: Sofia Alvarez

Family: Jacob Alvarez (eldest brother); Daniel "Danny" Alvarez (older brother)

Main Problem: Eva Marie is trying to get at Dean Ambrose. Brie Bella is trying to get at Roman Reigns. Nikki Bella is trying to get at Seth Rollins. The Shield boys want these three chicks to leave them alone so they brought their fiancés.

Main Characters: Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, Leighla Schultz, Sofia Alvarez, Galina Becker, Nikki & Brie Bella, and Eva Marie

Sofia Alvarez's

I was backstage with Galina and Leighla as we waited to tear the Bella's and Eva apart. I was livid.

"Brie, you know I'm taken and gonna be married soon. I got a daughter with my beautiful fiancé, Galina. Nikki, you know Seth is with Leighla. Their wedding's coming up soon. And then, Eva. You know Dean is with Sofia. Them two crazy asses ain't ever gonna leave each other. They were made for each other." Roman says and the fans cheer him on.

"Our girls would go crazy if they were here right now." Seth says.

"Let me just give it y'all straight." Roman says.

Everyone turns to him.

"Galina will straight up fight you." Roman says to Brie.

The fans laugh.

"Leighla will straight up bitch slap you." Roman says, turning to Nikki.

"And Sofia will either street fight yo ass or just straight up kill you." Roman says to Eva.

"It's true." Galina says and I smirk.

"Who's Leighla?" Jerry asks.

"That's my fiancé." Seth says.

"Well, let's bring her out. Here's Leighla." Jerry says.

Leighla walks out and slaps the shit out of Nikki then starts beating her ass. I taught her and Galina some martial arts before coming here.

Leighla gets pulled back then goes next to Seth.

"I learned all that shit from my best friend, and Dean's girlfriend!" Leighla says.

I smirk. Seth wraps an arm around her.

"You know you're not good enough for him, Leighla! Get that through your head!" Nikki says.

"Bitch, get this through your head! He is mine! Seth is my man! Unlike your man, mine put a ring on my finger!" Leighla yells.

Everyone 'ohhh's and I laugh with Galina.

"And Brie! You AND Eva both have husbands! So why are you coming after my girls fiancé and my other girls man?! You're some low life trash ass whores!" Leighla yells.

"Well I'm gonna make sure Roman comes home with me and I'll drop my husband." Brie says.

"Who's Galina?" Jerry asks.

"My fiancé and the mother of my child." Roman says.

"Well, here's Galina." Jerry says.

Galina walks out with a pissed off face then walks up to Brie and yanks her by the hair and starts punching her then kneeing Brie in the gut.

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