Chapter 11

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Louis P.O.V

Its been 3 days. 3 fucking days without the girl I'm falling in love with. 3 days without seeing the most beautiful girl in the world. 3 days since I got to kiss the girl of my dreams.

After the day of the incident she left with Niall, he wouldn't let her go home alone. She has been staying at her house with Niall.

As for me? I'm a fucking wreck. I haven't left my room since 'the night'.

I can't get her off my mind and I keep having nightmares without her by my side.

I needed someone. Anyone.

I picked up my phone to call Niall to check up on her for the 2nd time since the night. The first was right when she got to Niall's.

"Hey lad." I said slowly.

"What's up?" He said seeming somewhat annoyed.

"Um..well how is she?" I said worried.

"How is she? HOW IS SHE!? She's horrible! She threw up the first night from crying so much and she has barely eaten anything! She cries and sleeps all day! The only time she gets off the couch is use the toilet! You need to get your ass over here and work this shit out! I don't know how much more she can go being like this!" He said and my jaw dropped. I had no clue it would be that bad. Oh my god I'm such an idiot. Why do I have to screw everything up.

"I'm on my way." I said before hanging up.

I changed into grey sweatpants, a t shirt, and a beanie. I look like I'm going to the airport.

I got in the car, put the key in, took a deep breath and began my 45 minute drive back to the place I fell in love with her.

It's now 9 am and I had been staying at a hotel and we have concert tonight as well.

We have 2 more shows within the hour distance and then we fly to Canada to have a month break then we finish Canada and then Mexico and then done!

Okay now I need to figure out how to explain this to my girl.

Aubrey P.O.V

I hate Louis. Actually I think I hate myself more than Louis. God I wish I was just in Asia away from all this.

Niall has been so good to me and has been trying to get me to eat when in reality I'm really just not all that hungry.

I heard talking from the other room and then it turned into yelling. I couldn't make out words but just then Niall came in the living room with red cheeks.

"Um what was that?" I said giving a death glare.

"Oh..Um..That?...Um Management! Yeah it was Management!" He said with a cheekey smile.

"Hmm..I'm only not going to ask again because I know you won't tell me." I said with a slight chuckle.

Louis P.O.V

There's her doorstep. The first place we met almost 3 months ago. Time flies.

I decided not to knock and to just walk in.

Okay I have two options I can go with the loud and funny ;


or the soft caring Lou;

'Aubrey..Babe...I need to tell you what really happened.'

Okay option 2.

I opened the door and it creaked a bit.

"Aubrey..Babe..?" I questioned as I walked in.

Aubrey P.O.V

"Aubrey..Babe..?" Wow it's like he's really here.

"Baby?" Shit! Get these voices out of my head!!

I grabbed my head in attempt to make it stop but it didn't, instead two familiar hands grabbed mine and removed them from my head.

"I need to talk to you. I can't sleep or do anything without you. Please just hear me out."

God I'm tired of this bullshit.

"Fine. 5 minutes." I said sternly.

In reality I just wanted to grab his face and kiss him and hug him and cry into his chest. God I miss this boy.

"I was walking in my dressing room and then there she was just standing there. I told her to leave but then she was like 'I forgive you' and so I yelled at her that she shouldn't be forgiving me. I kept telling her to leave but right when you opened the door she kissed me!! Why would I kiss her? Like lets be real, she crushed my heart. I would never cheat on you or get back together with her." By now I had a couple tears and he was full on sobbing. "Please Aubrey, I need you in my arms. I need you to believe me. I need your cuddles, I need to laugh at you in the middle of the night when you sleep walk, I need you. Fuck it, I'm falling in love with you."

"Louis..." I said dragging it out but then fading at the end.



High School is getting so much better luckily!!

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Lindsay (:

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