Chapter 18

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Previously in The Wild Ride:

**2:30 am**

As I was in a deep sleep, my phone went off and I immediately groaned.

I picked my phone up lazily and then accepted the call.

"Hello?" I sighed into the line.

"Mr.Tomlinson, we have some news"

Louis POV:

"Okay what is it?" I said urgently.

"We have located Ms. Brookes, we are going to get her now and we will notify you again once we have her safe."

"Wh-What!? I need to be there!" I practically yelled causing the boys to wake up.

"Sir I'm afraid that is not allowed, you can wait at the police station if you'd like but you can not come to the area where a potential threat could be towards you." He explained and I sighed.

"I'll be at the police station." I stated and then hanging up.

I woke the boys up and they were all exhausted, we drove through Chick-fil-a and then made our way out.

Aubrey POV:

I heard sirens in the distance and looked out the rusty, broken window to see multiple police cars outside.

A shock of excitement went through me, but then was quickly replaced by fear when Cameron came in with a gun.

"You did this!? I thought we were back together again! How could you?" he started crying, "Wait no! I'm angry! You tattled on me just because I left you a couple years ago, I'm back now! God you little-"

"Put your hands up and drop the weapons" 4 police men walked in with guns out. As soon as Cameron saw the guns, he immediately faced his towards me.

I stood there speechless, I don't want to die...I want to be with Louis...

"Put the gun down or I shoot" The police officer said not moving anything but his mouth.

"3 seconds"

"2 seconds"

"1 second"

The shot fired and so did Cameron's.

An officer grabbed me and pulled me to the ground just before the shot hit me.

I was in shock...

"I will find you. And I will kill you" Cameron said before blacking out because of his injury in his leg.

I started sobbing because I was terrified.

An officer pulled me into his body giving me a comforting hug, he then picked my traumatized body up and put it in the car.

My back hurt, my ribs hurt, my head hurt. I was so stressed and in so much pain, I closed my eyes and tried to comprehend what had just happened. I continued to cry as all this was happening.

I guess I'm saved, now I just have to see if Louis still wants me or not.

As we pulled up to the station I started to hallucinate, I saw 5 familiar boys. My boys.

It couldn't be them.

It wasn't them.

Louis POV:

As each police car drove by I had a slight bit of hope, I looked into each window not seeing Aubrey.

One old man with a huge beard

One old woman with puffy hair

One girl looking awfully uncomfortable

One guy with a mustache

Not Miss Brookes.

We asked the front desk if they had seen her or if she had checked in, and they said she had.

I want to see her so bad, I want to comfort her, I want to kiss her. I need her.

A woman led the boys and I to a back room and when I walked in a girls back was facing the wall. I walked closer and it was Aubrey. Her jawline was so defined from lack of food, she had bruises on her face and her arms, her eyes were dark red and swollen, she looked awful. But still awfully beautiful.

"Aubrey..." I started crying.

"She is in a stage of shock right now, try talking to her for a bit. I'll leave you guys alone."

He walked out of the room and so did the boys.

"Hey babe" I said rubbing my arms up and down her arm.

"I-I-I'm ha-hallucinat-t-ting" She stuttered looking down.

"No your not, if you were hallucinating would I do this." I said gently grabbing her face and kissing her passionately. It was full of love and she kissed back.

She began sobbing and I sat her on my lap as she cried into my chest.

"What happened baby?" I said rubbing her back.

"He-I-Cameron, m-my ex boyfriend. He-he hurt me a-and made m-me have s-s-ex with him." She started crying more.

"Shh, it's over now and that's all that matters. okay?"

"Okay" she sniffed.

"I was so scared you would never find me" Her words would almost inaudible.

"Trust me baby, I'll always be by your side." I said closing my eyes and the both of us falling into a well needed sleep.



I almost cried while writing this :'(

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