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Everything is falling apart. I, Shawn Mendes have fallen for my best friend. I actually think I've fallen in love with Taylor. Everything about Taylor is your definition of perfection to me. His brown eyes are always filled with happiness. The bandannas he wears I love to wear them and just have the scent of him on the bandanna. The fact that he chose me to be best friends with just makes me happy. I just wish he felt the same way back. Don't get me wrong I love Taylor but I know this isn't going to work out. He likes girls and he always has. Taylor always talks about girls all the time. It makes me sad when he does but he can't help it he's straight.

Taylor is waving his hands in front of my face. A worried look in his eyes. I smiled at him to assure him I was fine but I saw the look of disbelief. Taylor sat beside me not speaking a word. I sighed Taylor wants to know what's wrong or he won't speak to me. He just stared straight forward not even looking at me. I grabbed his bandanna off of his head but Taylor still stared forward. I sighed once again giving in because I missed his voice already. 

"Taylor, I've just been thinking in deep thought I'm fine." I looked over at him giving him a smile.

"Shawn you've been acting weird lately of course I'm worried." Taylor had sadness in his eyes the normal glow was dull. 

"I'm sorry." I sighed knowing I could never tell him my secret. 

The rest of the guys came running in laughing with stupid smiles on their faces. Nash ran over to hug me tightly. I barely could breath but I still laughed. Taylor walked away from us talking to a girl whom I've never seen before. She had dark brown eyes that could look through your soul. Lilac hair to add to the cute girl. She was giggling at Taylor. I could feel the fire growing in my stomach. The anger in my eyes as she walked over to me with him. The unknown girl smiled at me holding hands with Taylor. I forced a smile just to be kind for Taylor. 

"Shawn this is Andrea she's my girlfriend." Taylor blushed holding Andrea close to her. 

"Hi Andrea it's nice to meet you." I gritted my teeth.

"Taylor let's go somewhere private please." She ignored me using her sweet voice on Taylor.

I ran to Nash grabbed him by the ear into a room where no one could hear us. I needed to spill to someone or else I would burst. Nash looked at me weirdly as he sat down across from me. I sighed feeling the tears that were going to fall down my face. I finally felt the tears flowing down like a storm. I cried so hard hugging Nash so tight. Nash instantly hugged me tight. He was there for me. 

"It's okay Shawn what happened?" Nash mumbled into my hair. 

"You promise you won't tell anyone." I whispered looking into his eye. 

"I promise now tell me what's wrong."

"I am in love with Taylor but he has a bitchy girlfriend." A tear trickled down my face. 

"I knew it! I see the way you look at him. Shawn I don't know what to do. You have to take back what is rightfully yours." Nash smiled. 

"You're right. I feel a lot better letting this out thanks Nash." I ruffled his hair walking out of the room. 

Everyone was silent as I walked into the room. All eyes were on us. Cameron ran up to us with an angry expression on his face. His face was red and he was heavily breathing. Nash hugged him whispering into his ears. Cameron calmed down and sat down with Nash. Now all eyes were on me. I think everyone heard us in the room. I blushed a crimson red. 

"I love Taylor Caniff?" I spoke softly. 

Everyone screamed running to me. All the boys hugged me so tight this time I couldn't breathe. Cameron was kissing Nash surprisingly I saw that coming. The Jacks were blushing together hugging like a couple. Hayes was watching Aaron from afar. I didn't think everyone would be this happy just for me. I felt tears of joy hugging everyone. 

The door creaked open Taylor stood there with his girlfriend. Everyone turned to stare at them with the evil eye. Taylor kissed Andrea before she ran off out of the door. I ran out of the room before anyone could say anything. I couldn't speak to Taylor especially after all of this happening. I didn't realize where I was going. 

I stood in the middle of the road with nowhere to go. Bright lights were coming towards me it didn't stop. I saw who it was in the car. I screamed before the darkness took over me...


Hope you guys liked this first chapter of the story. Sorry to leave you with a cliffhanger. See you in the next chapter guys. All the love Kalia. I know it's stupid bear with me it'll be better. 

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