Chapter 1.5~What the Doc Said (Prt. 2 of Chpt. 1)

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"Viki," said the doctor. "Please listen." I was crying; why me?! I turned to his deep voice.

"You've injured you're Cerebrum. It's right above and to the left of your brainstem.

"The Cerebrum controls initiation of movement, coordination of movement, temperature, touch, sight, hearing, judgement, reasoning, problem solving, emotions and learning. You might never be a part of normal society ever again. But with therapy, and training, your brain will gradually restore the other senses that have become out of whack."

"How did it happen?" I asked quietly. "I suspect that when the truck rolled, you hit your head--or, rather, the base of your skull. That caused the trauma," explained the doctor. I nodded. "Will public school ever be an option?" I asked. "It's a potential option."

Remain calm, remain calm, remain calm, remain calm! Don't cry, Viki! You're not allowed to cry!

A door opened. "Mr. and Mrs. Brave, you can come in now." My mom frantic footsteps echoed in  the silent space. Heels click--click--click--My father's calmer but yet urgent steps followed...tap...tap...tap...

"Honey, you'll get the best private tutors and schools," my mother sobbed and rambled on. My Father talked about therapy for me and promise not to treat me any different.

And right then, I knew my life was over.

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