Chapter 3~Meeting Chenelle

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Of course, being blind, I would need an assistant, someone to be my eyes while I attenuated public school (even though mom said I needed to go to a private school for the blind).

I met 20 assistants and none of them I liked until 21 entered the room.

Mom was chattering away away as usual, flipping her back hair aside again and again. I know, because it kept hitting my face. Anyways, Mom went silent as the door opened. Heels clicked. Leather rustled.

"Miss--erm--Rogers?" said Mom tartly. "Actually, ma'am, call Miz Chenelle." "Alright Miz Chenelle," spat Mom. "Tell us about yourself." 

Chenille began, "Well, I grew up in the Hood Chicago, and all I wanted to do was leave. There ain't nobody in my family 'cept me whowho's ever left.

"But I'm twenty-one now and during high school, I took college classes at night so I could get my degree and scat! I got my Nursing degree and worked in a hospital for six months, in which I met a blind man who told me I would be a good assistant.

"So," finished Chenelle. "Here I am!" "Hmmm," said my mom. "Chenelle," I interjected. "Will you come here?" My mom elbowed me and I ignored it.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to face Chenelle. She took my hands and I held them, memorizing her touch. Chenelle then guided my hands to her face. "So you can imagine how i look," she whispered.

I agreed, feeling awkward. Here cheekbones were high and her lashes were long. She had full lips and here eyebrows where plucked neatly and her left brow had two rings in it, side by side. Chenelle's ears were pierced multiple times and on her neck, where the skin felt uneven, was a tattoo of a cross (she told me). 

My mom didn't like her because of her art andante piercings. So I loved her.

"You're beautiful," I told her. "Thank ya, love," Chenelle replied. "My Ma always used to say that my caramel skin make me look more like an angel." I nodded, "I'll bet!"

At that point in time, I decided to make mom angry. "Chenelle, you're hired!" I heard my mom hiss through her teeth. I could see her face in my mind's eyes, her dark skin turning even darker with rage.

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