Chapter 2~Fleeing Images

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Mom always had a "thing" with perfect families.

You know, the magazine perfect kind. The beautiful smart girl with all A's. A younger sibling of either gender with soft, rounded features and carefully formed curls of blonde. Add the  crystal blue eyes and two parents--one with blonde hair, the other with black hair and eyes all sparkly and bright. 

The family of four stand in front of a large house, white with Navy blue shutters and door. a white picket fence and green yard with flowers and a vegetable garden. This is all my mom wants. All she dreams for.

So when the small town found out I was going to a party--with beer present--dressed like I loved my body, her flawless reputation was ruined. After my therapy was finished, we fled the town and began life anew in a remote town in Montana.

No one knew where we were going and I wasn't allowed to say. One night, we escaped into the darkness like ghosts and I never met Lulu or any one of the two again.

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