Chapter 1 (Leaving for a Month)

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Harry POV

"Dude head's up" Brandon yelled as he kicked a soccer ball towards me.

I was too busy watching Ashley, she was absolutely beautiful. She was wearing a strapless summer dress and her hair was tied up in a ponytail.

"Mind if I join" She asked as she walked towards us.

Brandon and Ashley were twins, they both had the same brown colored hair and brown eyes. I had missed them while I was on the X factor, the thing that I missed the most was senior year with these two, they were honestly the most wildest people I knew. I had been friends with them since almost grade 2 when they moved across the street from my family and I. They were both going to graduate next week and it upset me that I wouldn't be there with both of them, we had always talked about the moment we would walk across the stage.

Although ever since my band mates and I came in 3rd place on the X Factor life has been busier then ever. I was actually leaving for tonight to go to the U.S for a whole month, which kind of sucked because tonight was prom at the school Ashley and Brandon went too. I was planning on going too, since I had technically graduated from that school but there was no way this visit to the States could me moved it was crucial for our signing to the record label.

"Too bad you won't be staying for tonight Harry, you're going to miss a wild night" Ashley said laughing.

It actually killed me, I wanted to tell Ashley how I felt about her since the first day I came back from the show. Truth is I loved her, I always had. It's just that before I was always worried it would ruin my friendship with Brandon and her. Like what if she didn't feel the same way? Or what if it didn't work out? But now that I had built up the strength to ask her she was already taken by some guy named Sam, the guy that was also taking her to prom tonight. I wish I could just have the guts to tell her that I love her and I wish I could stay here tonight and take her instead.


Ashley POV

I had to leave after an hour of joking around and playing with Harry and Brandon to go get ready for tonight with my best friend Julie. Julie was also Brandon's girlfriend and was going with Brandon to prom tonight, they were honestly one of the sweetest couples at our school, I was going to prom tonight with Sam, he was the captain of the school's football team and every girl's dream to go to prom with.

I should feel like the luckiest and happiest girl in the world to be going with him, but the problem was that I was starting to have some trust issues with him. Lately he has been going to a lot of places late at night and not telling me about them, I didn't want to be the overly attached girlfriend who asked a million questions, but when I tried to just ask where he was he would yell at me and get angry.

I looked out my bedroom window to see Harry and Brandon still playing soccer, I smiled at the sight of Harry falling down. I had truly missed Harry...

After a couple hours of getting ready my nails were painted, hair was done, make up was finished, lastly I putted on my dress. I only needed one more thing, my lucky anklet. I looked around my room panicking because I couldn't find it anywhere. Wait I must have left it in the washroom when I took off before I showered.

"Brandon hurry up, I need to grab something" I yelled pounding on the door.

"Wait your turn" He yelled back on the other side of the door.

I sighed, Brandon was probably doing this on purpose he knew I get nervous getting ready for big events like this. Sometimes people would ask me if it was weird having a twin brother, but I didn't think about it that way, Brandon was like my best friend. Growing up with a twin was different than growing up with a younger or older sibling. It was if you shared some special bond, where you both took your first steps around the first time, you shared moments and problems at the same time. I couldn't imagine not having Brandon there by side, ever.

I walked back downstairs to see Harry leaning against the counter.

"Hey" I said.

Harry looked up immediately and his eyes widened.

"Wow, you look great Ashley" He said holding out his hand which I grabbed, Harry gave a quick spin before giving me a hug.

"Also Brandon told me that someone here received a scholarship to Julliard for her amazing singing and dancing skills" Harry said with a smile.

"Oh yeah" I said turning red.

"Congrats, you should have told me earlier" Harry replied.

"Well I'm just not sure whether I want to go yet or not, it's all the way in States.." I said.

"Hey this is your dream, remember we used to talk about how we would both make it big one day. I mean Brandon has got his hockey scholarship, I'm going to the states to hopefully get signed, and you ARE going to Julliard" Harry said saying as if it was more of an order than a request.

I laughed "I'll think about it".

We talked for a little over half an hour. Only then did I realize how much I had actually missed Harry. Ever since he left to for the show I had forgotten how much fun we used to have with each other. Although whenever I was around him my stomach started doing cartwheels lately. I always felt like I was someone else. Like I wasn't in the same world anymore, I could me anyone I wanted to be with Harry.

"I have to go soon, I just wanted to say bye before I left" Harry said.

I pulled away "Aww, I really wish you could have came tonight" I replied.

"Yeah, actually I wanted to tell you something before I leave" Harry said looking nervous.

"Yeah, what is it?" I asked.

"I just wanted to tell you that umm..." Harry started.

"Were you looking for this" I heard someone say.

I turned around to see Brandon coming down the stairs all dressed up in a black suit with a blue tie. In one of his hands he was dangling my anklet.

"Oh thank god it was in there" I said grabbing it from him.

"Hey you haven't left yet" Brandon said looking over to Harry.

"Oh, yeah I was just going to leave after I said goodbye to you guys" Harry answered.

"Well, we're gonna miss you tonight bud" Brandon said giving Harry one of those handshake hugs that guys do.

Harry was about to leave, but I followed him out the door.

"Wait Harry" I yelled as he was almost about to cross the street to his house.

He turned around almost right away.

"Didn't you want to say something" I asked.

"No, it's fine" He said, I could see there was uncertainty on his face.

"Ok then, see you in a month!" I yelled waving goodbye at him.

I still felt like I should have said something more..

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