Chapter 2 (Prom Disaster) {MATURE}

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Ashley POV

I looked in the mirror one final time, I was wearing a soft pink mermaid dress that touched the ground. I had my hair curled and done in an up-do, Brandon and Julie were already taking pictures together. Julie wore a long blue dress that Brandon's tie matched exactly. I looked at my phone, Sam was already 15 minutes late, I wondered where he was now.

All of sudden I heard the doorbell ring "Finally" I mumbled walking towards the door and opening it up.

Sam stood there in a black suit was a pinkish tie that was close enough to my dress.

"Hey babe" he said walking in. "Look what I brought"

He slid on a pink flower corsage to my right hand, it was honestly beautiful and it made of up for Sam being late.

"It's beautiful" I said looking at it. I leaned in and gave Sam a quick kiss.

My Mom and Dad took some pictures of Sam and I in our backyard and we took a group photo with Brandon and Julie as well. We didn't waste money on renting a limo, instead we just took the new car Brandon had gotten with the money he had saved from his job. We all got into the car and waved goodbye to my parents.

"Be safe" My mom yelled as we pulled out of the driveway.

Brandon and I rolled our eyes "Of course we will".

And off we were to prom, the prom was being held in this banquet hall that was about a 20 minute drive from our house. When we entered the hall everyone was already dancing, we were a bit late but the night was still young.

Half way through the night I lost Sam, what a surprise... I had to have a talk with him after tonight. I tried looking for him around the hall but couldn't find him anywhere.

"Julie, have you seen Sam?" I yelled over the loud music.

"Yeah he was just at the food table" Julie said smiling at me as she continued to dance with my brother.

I walked towards the food table hoping to find him, but I didn't see him anywhere. I decided to go to the bathroom and fix my make up instead. I walked in, there was no one inside the washroom so I opened up my clutch and started fixing my mascara and lip gloss in front of the mirror. I almost messed up though when I heard someone bang against one of the stalls. I was taken my surprise, it looked like somebody else was in here too. I turned around and saw that there were two people in one of the stalls, by the shoes it was a girl and a boy.

I sighed, couldn't people hook up somewhere else besides the washroom.

"Sam, sam stop" I heard the girl in the stall giggle.

I stopped what I was doing right away, no way, this couldn't be happening.

I stayed quiet and waited for the stall door to open, when it did I saw Sam and Katie, the school slut walk out. They were both giggly until they saw me, then they both stopped in their tracks and looked as me, they knew they were both caught red handed. Katie quickly ran out the bathroom door after I gave her the glare telling her to go away.

"Ashley, its not what it looked like" Sam said taking a step closer to me, but I instantly backed away.

I laughed "No, it's exactly what it looks like" I said slapping Sam in the face.

This really angered Sam because he grabbed my other hand and pushed me against the wall in the bathroom "What was that bitch" He said through gritted teeth.

"I trusted you" I yelled through my tears.

"Yeah and I told you it was nothing" Sam said putting his forehead against mine, making my head it the wall behind me. "Maybe if you gave me more then I wouldn't have to run to other girls to get some" Sam spat in face.

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