Chapter 4 (Funeral)

109 10 3

30 days later

Harry POV

Today I was flying back home to spend the rest of the summer with my family and friends. The trip to the U.S had been great, Simon was able to get us signed to a record label there and we were scheduled to release an album by the end of this year. As I sat on the plane waiting for it to take off I tried calling Ashley again, no answer, so I tried Brandon, no answer. The whole trip I have been trying to call them... why was no one answering? When I talked to my mom two days ago she sounded worried too, I asked her what was wrong but she replied saying "We will talk to you when you arrive safely."

I sighed as the pilot told us to turn our phones off, I guess I would just see Ashley and Brandon tonight, I really missed those two and was excited to go for the trips we had planned before I had left. We were going to stay at one of my cabins for a whole week and do as much as we could this summer before I headed on tour, and Ashley and Brandon parted ways to their universities.

"Hey mate, are you going to tell you're friend how you finally feel about her now?" Liam asked as he sat down next to me. The plane was starting to move down to the runway.

"Maybe, I mean I have the whole summer." I said winking as leaned back into my chair while the plane started to take off.

When we were in the air I closed my eyes and fell asleep dreaming about seeing Ashley again.

"Wake up dude, we're here." I heard Louis say.

I opened my eyes and looked out the window to see London, it was night yet the whole city was still lit up with lights. I may have spent the past month in alive L.A, California, but nothing beat home. As we walked through the airport and waited for our bags, I said my goodbye's to the lads who were going to stay here in London for the summer while I would head back to my hometown.

"Good luck with the girl." Zayn said as he was the last one to say goodbye to me.

"Thanks, guys." I said as I walked out the opposite direction from them and out to a car that was waiting for me.

The drive was pretty long, but I didn't really notice because I was too excited to see everyone. I finally reached home at about 10 at night, I took my luggage out of the car and pulled it towards the front door. Still felt like home I thought, I rang the doorbell and waited for someone to answer.

I was surprised to see Ashley's and Brandon's mom answer the door.

"Hello?" I said with a smile as she let me into the house.

I looked at her face closely, she looked like she had been crying. "What's wrong Mrs. McKister?" I asked.

She looked at me with pained eyes, something was wrong, I knew it, that's why no one was returning my phone calls. I ran into the kitchen where I saw my mom sitting down at the table with Mr. McKister, normally I wouldn't be surprised considering my mom was very close with McKister family, but something was up tonight, they all had pained looks on their faces.

I looked at the table to see picture's of Brandon everywhere. I picked a couple up and smiled when I saw one of him and I when we were younger, we were holding trophies we had just won.

"Taking a trip down memory lane?" I asked as I picked up more pictures.

No answer.

"Hey by the way where is Ashley and Brandon, I brought them something from L.A" I said looking up at the three of them.

Mrs. McKister was in full on tears now.

'What's wrong?" I asked getting worried now. "What happened?" I asked looking at my mom.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2013 ⏰

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