Chapter 3 (Losing a Part of Me)

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When you lose something you can't replace... ~ Coldplay

Ashley POV

When my eyes opened I noticed that I was being dragged on gurney by a paramedic into an ambulance. I looked around and saw two cars completely destroyed and turned over. I saw them drag another body out from the car, I gasped when I saw who it was.

"Brandon!" I screamed when I saw the blood covering his face, why wasn't he responding. "Brandon" I yelled through tears.

"Ma'am please stay calm, we will handle everything" the paramedic said to me as I tried to get up from the gurney.

"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THAT'S MY BROTHER" I screamed in his face, there were 3 paramedic's trying to hold me down as I tried to run to him.

I looked at the paramedic's who were putting Brandon on a bed as well. "YOU NEED TO SAVE HIM PLEASE!" I yelled.

The paramedic's pushed me down as I fought against them "He's my brother...I need him" I cried.

They injected a needle into me to put me back to sleep.


1 day later

Ashley POV

Beep, Beep, Beep the heart monitor went. My eyes fluttered open, I looked around the room my mom was lying with her head against my bed her hand was tightly gripping onto mine. Memories started to crowd my mind.

"Mom.." I said feeling my head, there were bandages on my forehead and wrist.

My mom's head shot up right away "Thank god you woke up Ashley" she said through tears.

'Where's Brandon?" I said looking around the room.

No answer.

"Where's Brandon?" I repeated looking at my mom.

I could see pain in here eyes, tear's started to form in her eyes.

"MOM! WHERE'S BRANDON?" I cried trying to get up from the bed.

"Honey..." My mom said grabbing my hand again, I could see she was on the edge of tears too.

"No, no, no" I said snatching my hand away, I ripped all the wires of my arms and ran out the door and through the hallways of the hospital. A couple nurses tried to stop me, but I ran didn't let them hold me down. I looked through every room with a window, till I saw him....

"Brandon!" I screamed running into the room.

His whole face was bandaged up and he lied there motionless.

"Wake-up Brandon, this isn't funny anymore" I said through tears as I fell onto the floor of the room. My dad who was in the room came and picked me up.

"Dad, tell him to wake up, I need to talk to him" I said hugging my dad.

"Shh shh Ashley calm down, everything is going to be ok, you need to go back to you're room though" My dad said sitting me down on one of the chairs.

"No, I'm not leaving this room till he wakes up!" I screamed pulling a chair up to Brandon. "What's wrong with him?" I asked as one of the doctors walked in.

"I...shouldn't..." he said looking over to my dad. What were they hiding from me?

"Please, I beg you, tell me!" I said my heart was racing right now.

"He's in critical state.." The doctor said with a pained look on his face.

"I'm not leaving this room till he wakes up" I said grabbing his hand.

"You have to leave soon Ashley, they need to do a surgery on his heart.." My dad said looking at me with tears in his eyes.

Never had I seen my dad cry. I got up from my chair and followed my dad out the door of the room, I looked back and took one last glance at Brandon before they dragged him off for surgery.

I waited and waited outside of the ER with my parents. I should technically be in my room, but my parents convinced the nurses it was better for me to be here.

They kept trying to ask me questions but I just stared at the wall in front of me, replaying the events from last night.

"Ashley you need to tell us what happened, so we can explain to the police what happened with Sam" My dad said grabbing my hand.

I let go right away, and stayed silent I felt more tears start to fall down my face at the mention of Sam's name. I wanted to speak to my parent's but I couldn't, word's wouldn't escape my mouth...

Finally when the doctor came I snapped back to reality "Did the surgery work?" My mom said standing up almost immediately.

The doctor took his glasses off and gave us the look .. I knew the answer before he even spoke "I'm sorry, we couldn't save him".

It as if someone had just stabbed me in the heart. I got up from the bench and started walking towards the door of the hospital.

"Ashley where are you going?" My mom yelled through tears.

I didn't respond, tears were silently falling down my cheeks. I walked outside the hospital and crossed the road, car's honked and stopped, people yelled at me asking what I was doing, but I could barely hear or notice them. My mind was somewhere else. I walked to one of the bridges and stood up on the edge.

"Ashley, get down right away" My dad yelled as he ran after me.

I looked down at the water.

"Ashley, step down, I'm not losing you too" My dad repeated pulling my arm.

"Dad we were connected, we were twins, meant to grow up together, be there for each other...I need to see him Dad! I need to be with him, that's were I belong!" I yelled looking down at the water.

I was about to jump but my dad and the doctor's grabbed me before I could and they injected me with same substance that made me black out earlier.

*****************************Author's Note*******************

I almost cried while writing this, by far the saddest thing I have ever written. I think all of us know how it feels to lose someone important..

This story means alot to me so fan/vote/comment.


Alissa xx

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