We All Scream for Ice Cream

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"Come get it." he decided, kicking the ball a little bit out in the field, so that it was half way between the two of them.
"I'm sorry?" Sherlock asked, obviously this was a joke. If John expected him to be able to get the ball away then he was sadly mistaken.
"I'll give you a head start, let's just play keep away and then we'll get back to the test." John decided. Sherlock sighed, but nodded.
"Fine, but this is almost pointless." He decided.
"Of course it's not, maybe you've got a secret talent hidden somewhere." John assured.
"Ya, it's called math, and it's been discovered." Sherlock pointed out.
"Somewhere else, you could be a football prodigy for all I know." John shrugged. Sherlock rolled his eyes but sprinted out to the ball, which already made his legs burn. As he got it John was running after him, a very intimating sight but it was also very pleasing for some reason, maybe because it's usually Sherlock who was running away from him. Sherlock didn't exactly know what to do with the ball so he kicked it a little bit to the left, but of course now it goes far out and he was unable to get to it in time. John ran to the ball, kicking it up in an arc over his head and planting it in his feet, facing Sherlock with an accomplishing smile on his face. Sherlock stopped where he was and crossed his arms, this was stupid.
"Well come on." John assured, kicking it back and forth between his feet like a pendulum.
"What's the point, you'll keep it away anyway." Sherlock said with a small frown.
"That's the fun of it though." John pointed out. Sherlock stayed where he was.
"Oh come on, if you get it from me I'll buy you ice cream." John said in a mocking tone, as if he were talking to a child. Of course that didn't motivate Sherlock, it was the thought that maybe he could spend even more time with John than he usually did, and anything with that in the description he was willing to do.
"You're on." He laughed. John rolled his eyes, but Sherlock came charging at him, kicking madly at the ball to try to get it away from John's feet. But John simply rolled it away in a swivel, and Sherlock, having put too much balance on one foot since he was expecting to hit something, and went tumbling down in a heap onto the wet grass.
"Oh god Sherlock." John laughed, holding a hand out to help him up. But Sherlock just let his head fall onto the grass with a defeated sigh, looking up at the blue sky and feeling oddly relaxed. But then John's head appeared in his line of vision, something a lot hotter than the sun actually, and make Sherlock kind of wake up.
"Are you alright down there?" he asked.
"Fine." Sherlock sighed, sitting up and spying the ball lying unprotected next to John's feet. He said just get it away from him, he didn't say how too exactly... Sherlock dove on top of the ball, making John jump back in surprise, but Sherlock had gotten it away fair and square.
"Ha, there, ice cream!" Sherlock announced, struggling to get to his feet but smiling proudly.
"You are a serious five year old." John decided.
"With the brain of a philosopher." Sherlock agreed.
"And the ego of a god." John added.
"You never said how to get it, you get said get, I got it, pay up." Sherlock decided, tossing the ball lightly to John with a smile.
"After the test then, but remember you're a bloody cheater." John pointed out, but Sherlock just smiled proudly.
"You're just jealous I get ice cream." He defended, and John threw the ball hard into Sherlock's stomach, making him cough a little but walking back over to the tree where the test lay in wait. Sherlock noticed the bench was now empty of yoga people but John didn't see it, so he kept quiet, he would much rather sitting against a tree than across a park bench. John sank to the ground, picking up the test and a pencil and looking over it. Sherlock joined him, of course giving him space but it was a bit hard not to sit close together considering they were on the other side of a tree.
"Doesn't look all that bad I suppose." John shrugged.
"If you pass it I'll buy you ice cream." Sherlock joked.
"You're on." John decided, starting on the test in an instant. What if they ended up both buying each other ice cream, like proper boyfriends, that would just be the most adorable thing, it made Sherlock's stomach drop a little bit. After a while he was just leaning on his knees, watching the people go by and the different cabs and buses on the distant road. It was quite dull, but just the fact that if he shifted only a little bit he'd be shoulder to shoulder with John. He could hear the pencil still scratching away on the paper, John's small annoyed puffs of breath, even his hand sliding against the paper, adorable little things that Sherlock didn't bother noticing with anyone else. Because John made them seem like more than awkward movements but art, John was truly the most perfect person Sherlock had the pleasure of knowing, and right now they might even be friends...
"Done." John announced, setting his pencil down and quickly looking over his answers before Sherlock stole it from under his hand.
"Alright, let's see here." Sherlock hummed, looking over the answers with the worksheets he had previously done. In the end John ended up with a twenty four out of thirty, but had managed to complete a bonus question so it rounded up to a whopping twenty five.
"Twenty five out of thirty." Sherlock announced, circling the ones incorrect in a pen and writing the completed score at the top.
"That's passing then?" John asked.
"It's an 83%." Sherlock agreed.
"How do you know that?" John asked.
"Because you just divide twenty five and thirty." Sherlock said simply.
"And you've got a calculator anywhere here?" John asked, looking around as if expecting to see one hiding somewhere.
"No, I don't need one." Sherlock shrugged.
"Nerd." John muttered.
"Well I guess this nerd is buying you ice cream as well." Sherlock groaned.
"God, we really are five years old." John muttered.
"At least it's kind of free..." Sherlock pointed out. "And I expect you to eat a kid sized right?"
"More like a triple sundae with ten toppings." John laughed.
"You can really eat something like that?" Sherlock asked in amazement.
"Never really tried." John shrugged.
"Well, you passed, congratulations." Sherlock shrugged.
"And what about Mrs. Pines' test?" John asked.
"That's Monday right?" Sherlock asked.
"Unfortunately." John muttered.
"Well we can go over it now I suppose." Sherlock shrugged. John groaned, letting his beautiful head fall back on the bark of the tree.
"Or, if it means so much to you, we can meet up tomorrow." Sherlock decided.
"I don't want to take your Sunday away from you." John decided.
"You won't, I don't do anything anyway, how about later this time, three sound good?" Sherlock asked.
"If it's not too much to ask." John agreed.
"God why do I have to spend so much time with you?" Sherlock groaned, pretending to actually complain about it.
"It's no better on my side, having to look at your face every day; I'll need eye surgery after long." John decided. And I'll need sunglasses...
"Well so sorry." Sherlock muttered, tucking the papers away and blushing slightly, hoping that John didn't notice.
"We should probably get going then." John decided, grabbing the football from the ground and his bag, rising to his feet and stretching a little bit. Sherlock mimicked this, standing up at his side and digging through his bag for his money. He had a rather crumpled twenty in the bottom of his bag, but it would hopefully be enough. He hadn't even eaten breakfast, so he was, of course, taking the healthy route of replacing it with desert.
"So, where's the best ice cream place around here?" Sherlock asked, this wasn't really his area.
"I don't know, Mrs. Moo's I guess." John shrugged.
"I'm sorry what?" Sherlock laughed, that was beyond the stupidest name he has ever heard.
"You heard be perfectly well, it's not like I pock the names." John defended, leading the way out of the park and towards wherever this ice cream shop was.
"I sure hope Mycroft isn't out wondering..." Sherlock muttered, looking around the sidewalks in case his brother was hiding behind one of the trashcans, watching him.
"Mycroft is your brother right?" John asked.
"Unfortunately." Sherlock sighed.
"Can't be worse than Harry." John assured.
"Your brother?"
"Short for Harriet, and having a sister is worse. All they do is scream and cry about everything, from the state of their hair to their relationship problems." John groaned.
"Aw, does she need to see the relationship expert?" Sherlock suggested.
"Are you implying that's you?" John laughed, looking surprised and someone taken aback.
"Well your girlfriend unknowingly called me the most romantic boyfriend a girl could hope for." Sherlock defended.
"Well, when you do get a girlfriend I'll be shocked if she doesn't run away after three minutes." John decided. Well when you're my boyfriend I guess we'll see how long you stick around...
"I'll give them five." Sherlock admitted.
"That's fair." John agreed with a little laugh. They walked through the crowds of people, some tourists who thankfully didn't recognize them and a whole bunch of random city people, everyone from hoboes to millionaires walking the streets at once. Them being the millionaires of course. Soon Sherlock saw a rather obnoxious pink sign outside a small shop advertising for their new flavor, double chocolate peanut butter, which sounded nauseating to be honest.
"Here we are I guess, what a strange time to be getting ice cream." John muttered.
"Worried about your weight?" Sherlock joked as John pulled open the door, ignoring his comment. To both of their relief there wasn't anyone from school behind the counter, only some older man that obviously was only taking the job because he was bored with retirement.
"Hello and welcome to Mrs. Moo's, what can I get for you today?" he asked in a bored tone, as if those words would be carved into his gravestone. The man was wearing a very stupid cow print apron, stained with all types of mystery marks.
"What do you want?" John muttered, as if he didn't want the man to hear.
"Medium vanilla." Sherlock whispered back.
"Medium vanilla please." John told the man, who nodded and started to scoop it into a foam dish.
"What do you want then?" Sherlock asked, a little bit louder, proud that he was able to buy John Watson ice cream.
"Large double chocolate peanut butter." John said with a mischievous smirk.
"You're an idiot." Sherlock decided, but John got his ice cream with thanks and passed over the money.
"So are you." He pointed out. Now it was Sherlock's turn, telling the man John's order and passing over the money, and finally when they got their spoons and a table switched the ice creams. They were at a small, two person checker print table, which felt so much like a date it made Sherlock's heart stop. John kept looking out the window, and it wasn't a mystery who was looking out for. Anyone from school, even the least popular freshman, and he would slam Sherlock's head in his ice cream and run for his life. Because who wants to be seen in public with the freak? Sherlock ate his ice cream slowly, he wasn't all that hungry but it certainly did taste good.
"So tomorrow as well?" he asked for clarification.
"Ya, but quick you know, get in study and get out." John agreed. Obviously he didn't treasure their time together like Sherlock did.
"Fair enough." Sherlock agreed. John was already half way through his ice cream, which was large, while Sherlock was nearly three fourths with his, which was only medium. There was more silence in which John looked back out the window, but Sherlock's eyes, kind of on their own, stayed on the boy across the table. He was just so perfect it shouldn't be fair. Sherlock could only imagine if this was a real date, holding hands over the table, talking and flirting mindlessly, not caring who saw them at all. But then again, if they were together there would only be more people to look out for, not only their families and people from school, but the tourists, the press, and even the random homophobes on the streets that throw rotten tomatoes around.

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