Nord of Skyrim

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I heard the footsteps, light on the stone floor, and immediately recognized them as Nelcara's. But as I turned around I glimpsed the unmistakable armor of the Forsworn. Without thinking I quickly drew my sword and charged forward. It wasn't until the woman lept out of the way and threw her head back laughing that I realized my mistake. Of course it was Nelcara ...Who else would it have been?

"What were you thinking?" I asked frustrated. How could she be that irresponsible?

"That it'd be funny. And it was" she smirked and reached over taking her hands to the side of my face and pulling me forward to look at her. "You need to lighten up" she teased as she mussed up my beard and quickly pushed me back. But I was still concerned on how she managed to make it through the city without a blade through her chest.

"So, you just walked through Markarth in Forsworn armor? And where did you get it?"

"I was attacked by a small band and I always wanted to know if this stuff was comfortable. So. I took it. And it actually is...comfortable I mean" She spun around to showing how easily she could move.

"It's not very restrictive and I think it looks quite well on me"

It was then that I actually took full notice of her, looking down to see the full uniform. It did fit well. The fur covered her shoulders and her breast...barely. The pants, if you could call them that, hung just below her curved hips and cut up each side, baring both her legs. It was completely impractical armor...but she did look nice. Noticing I was staring I quickly turned back towards my work.

"And only an idiot would walk through the city in this. I changed in front of your door."

And as quickly as I had returned to my work I stopped, taken aback. I couldn't have heard her correctly. I wished I had seen that. What? No. I shook the thought from my head. What was wrong with me? But my thoughts were interrupted by Nelcara's laugh. Turning to see what was so funny, I saw a smug smirk forming on her face.

"Never, thought I'd make an orc blush"

I sent her a hard look, letting her know I was not pleased with that comment. She attempted to keep a straight face but her amusement was too apparent. She then took it upon herself to sit on the edge of the table, hitting her head on the hanging lights in the process.

"Darn, short nords" she complained as she rubbed the back of her head.

"I heard about the Thalmor." I said changing the topic. Recently, I found out about her going into a Thalmor encampment to rescue a prisoner. A strange thing to do for someone who said they sided with the empire.

"Ugh, who hasn't? I think the guards in every hold must write letters back and forth about everyone."

"Most have been difficult to take down your own." A few moments passed and she didn't answer. She was still sitting on the table, high above me, so I had to look up to see her. When I caught a look of her face her smile had disappeared and her eyebrow was raised. Her eyes stared right back at me, cold. Had I offended her?

"I'm not a Thalmor or were you referring to altmers?" she spat.

Stunned, I couldn't immediately think of a reply.

"Are you friends with every orc? Would you hesitate to take one down if they were torturing someone?" she was fuming.

Why was she so angry? "I view all orsimers as my brothers. I would do what needed to be done but it would be hard. I just thought for someone who grew up in the Summerset Isles, it would be hard for you to kill your own people."

She let out a long sigh at that. Rubbing the bridge of her nose, she appeared to be trying to sooth herself.

"I didn't" she stopped herself, taking in a deep breath before continuing. "I didn't grow up there. I've never seen it. I've lived in Skyrim all my life. My parents, nords, found me abandoned in the woods and took me in." "I was probably the bastard of some Thalmor who decided to drop me there. I don't know" she explained, suddenly very calm. "I don't resent or hate them. But they're not my people. Everyone always assumes that. Why does everything have to be about 'your' people? Why not just people. If anything I'm a nord of Skyrim. Take that for what you will." She let out a nervous laugh, "Ever heard of a High Elf worshipping Talos" she muttered.

I didn't know what to say to that...any of that. But I understood. I fought with the Legion for years. But I was a soldier voluntarily. I knew what I was signing up for. But Nelcara...she was thrown into the middle of everything. Being able to absorb dragon souls made everyone want you to fight for them.

"I get it. I shouldn't have said that." But she didn't look at me. So I stood up, in front of her so that we were face to face. "Nelcara. I'm sorry"

She gave me a weak smile before patting me on the shoulder. "It's fine. Sorry I snapped. That was...uncalled for." After a moment she slid herself off the table. Now standing she turned from me. "I-I need to go. It's been...a long day." She headed for the door but stopped short. She looked towards the floor as she confessed softly, just loud enough for me to hear, "It's always hard, no matter who it is." And then she was gone. For the first time she didn't want to stay.

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