chapter 15

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(Emily's P.O.V)

What does Harry mean? ugh am confused.

in the entire car ride, Niall was ignoring me, i wonder why.

now am at the hotle room with my brother, sitting in the living room, and the time is 9:00pm.

"so...?" he said. you know what? i want to know my brother more, i think i should ask him questions.

"Ross, can I know you better?" he gave my confused expression, "like, i want to know things about you," then he understood me.

"umm well....i love color green" "seriously?" i said

"there is not lots of things that are important to know about me" he took breath and completed "what is your weekness?" he asked, serioualy, what a question?

then i saw moving from his place in the sofa toward me, then i felt hands tickling my sides

"no-noo stooopppp" i laughed and screamed, "na'uh" he chuckled. i cant feel my stomak from laughing.

"pleeeeeaae st--op" i begged, "i'll do you a-anything, stoop" now i fell to the floor, i think i broke my back.

he came down and sat above me and started tickling harder, "i can't bre-a-ath" "i will do you anything".

now he stoped and sat on the sofa and am still on the floor, "Anything?...ummm let me think," oh god, i hope its not something stupid "i want you to tell me if you like Harry" what, does he know anything

"what?" i said

" when Niall came to check on you and Harry, he saw you kissing" Holy shit! so Niall is the one who we hear foot steps from "he told you all?" i asked

"yes" he said "i think Niall like you, and as a brother i want to ask you if you like Niall or Harry?"

omg thats the hardest question ever

"promisem me you wont tell anyone, 'bout anything i tell you" i said

"i promise"

"i had a celebrity crush on Harry since One Direction was created. And one day i met Niall at starbucks, and yeah i think he like me, i like him too. and i like Harry too. so i don't know" i explained "i think i need your advice," i asked

"sure, anything for my sis" he pulled me into his chest and he started talking

"so, its always better to be with someone who loves you, not you love"

"but i dont know what will i do with Harry, and after be kissed me he said i wanna be your last first kiss" i said

"umm, tell both of them what you feel towards them first,"

"okay. i'll see" "by the way when are you going to find apartment?"i asked

"i think i will go tomorrow morning" he answerd "i am sleepy, lets go and sleep"

"i'll just stay here for a bit", i said



i dont know if am going to tell the boys what i feel toward them because i dont think they love me and its going to be awkward. YAWN. i think i should go sleep.

~five days later~

now its 9:00 am and me and my brother are in our new flat, near to out university, me and my brother already went and regesterd, and we start after 5 weeks. i haven't seen the boys since the park day. i want to go and stay with them today, they are so funny. but i dont think its nice from me to go to one of there houses, i know that they say that am there best friend and i appreciate it, but i dont want them to think i stay with them for long time and take from their time, i think its better if i just go out and make some shopping.

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