Unwanted messages

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It had been days since that magical night with Gamzee and Tavros had been the happiest he had ever been, but he had this nagging feeling at the back of his head constantly telling him that something was going to go wrong and he couldn't shake it off. He felt his cellphone vibrate in his pocket signaling a new text message, but before he could even pull it out of his black jean capris it had started vibrating one after another. Finally getting his phone out and unlocking it, he stared at the screen in confusion. Multitudes of texts kept coming from an unknown number. His eyebrows furrowed as he moved from where he was standing at the kitchen table to the living room where he sat down on the couch. He read the messages over and over again, his stomach lurched as he finally realized who it was.

(831) 444-3443: You've 8een missin work l8ly, hmmm why is that?

(831) 444-3443: I miss making you whine

(831) 444-3443: I 8et you miss me, who wouldn't miss me???????? I'm fa8ulous!!!!!!!!

(831) 444-3443: I heard from a little 8irdy that you found someone new and who said you could do that????????

(831) 444-3443: Do I get to meet this 8usy 8ody

(831) 444-3443: Why won't you answer me cripple

(831) 444-3443: watch yourself nitram

Tavros groaned, he had just gotten rid of her, just had her transferred to a different coffee shop and had just changed his number. How did she find this one so fast? He felt like smashing his head into a table. Great, fantastic. Just what his life needed. He only kept contact with her to a minimum of what was necessary. He had her work with him because he felt bad when he moved out of their once shared apartment and left her to pay everything by herself when he had been the money income in the relationship. That was one of his problems, he was too trusting and way to forgiving. He was about to stand up but stopped feeling his phone vibrate again.

(831) 444-3443: Wouldn't want another accident to happen

He had to bite back a remark, his teeth sinking into his plump bottom lip, he felt that comment. It stung, like it opened up a fresh new wound. It might as well have. It was all her fault anyways. He could feel his eyes watering, the memories still fresh in his mind even if they're from years before. He remembered the fall, the impact, the feeling of bones shattering and his head hitting the pavement, everything. He couldn't stop the tears, they rolled down his cheeks in warm rivers as he got up walking to the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind him. Tav didn't want to be disturbed, not even once Gamzee got home from his job, though that wouldn't be for a few more hours. He didn't want him to see him like this. He leaned against the door, sinking to the floor, his face being cradled in a nest of his hands and knees.

"I hate her. I hate Vriska Serket." He kept repeating to himself over and over again. He had said it so many times before yet he could never maintain that mentality until she started making him feel like shit again.

He would never forgive her, yet in a way he guessed already had. The waterworks flowed worse as he started to think back to that fateful day.

It was any other rainy winter day, a cool breeze blowing as rain drizzled throughout the city. Vriska and he were at that time living on the second floor of an apartment complex, the staircase leading down was in front of their front door. They had gotten dressed in their warm jackets and gloves, ready to head to a small underground concert for up and coming bands, it was his way of apologizing to her for saying that having a pet tarantula was idiotic because they're spiders and spiders are horribly ugly and terrifying. The fight had happened two weeks prior to that day yet Vriska was as mad as ever about. He should have known she wouldn't let it slide. She had anger issues and split personalities. It was hard to keep up with, so when her facial expression changed as he stepped out the threshold of their door he didn't notice. He did however notice the moment she pushed on his back, sending him fumbling towards the staircase, he of course being the klutz he was tripped over his foot and fell down the stairs. He hit each stair with a bruising impact, the feeling almost painful enough to knock him out of consciousness. Tavros hit the cement at the bottom of the stairs, the breath leaving his lungs as he looked up to see Vriska laughing with a twisted smirk on her face. After that day, any nice moments she had were not spared on him. They broke up. The doctor, Mr. Zahak, said he was lucky to still have his legs functioning, lucky that he hadn't been fully paralyzed. But he might as well have been because the bones on the bottom half of his legs were shattered beyond repair, they would never heal themselves and the bone fragments were so small that the doctors said they couldn't fix that part of his legs, while his upper half of his legs suffered minor fractures and would heal fine. They ended up amputating the bottom half of his legs in the next few days and fitted him with prosthetics. He still had to stay in the hospital though, he had broken ribs and a small, well not so small concussion, not to mention he would then have to go through therapy. He had spent two years trying to regain what he had lost, trying to learn to live with the new legs.

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