Tavros' nerves

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"Oh glob what did I do! Why did I give him my number?" My hands gripped either side of my head.

So stupid, I bet he's never even noticed how I look at him compared to others, thought Tavros.

"What should I do!" I groaned, my hands falling to my sides banging against my prosthetic legs. I had almost forgotten about them.

I hate them.

The legs made by my doctor, Equius Zahak,  are the the best around there's no doubt so it's not that I'm uncomfortable wearing them, it just reminds me of the past, of things I don't wish to remember.

Hell, you'd think after two years you'd be over it, but I'm not. It still pains me to remember how my legs got this way, who's fault it was, and the reason why she did it.

"Fuck you Vriska." I muttered feeling my heart clench and my eyes start to water. I quickly shook the tears away.

It really sucks being like this. If Gamzee does call me what does it matter? As soon as he finds out I have prosthetics he'll get grossed out and leave.

No one at my work knows about my legs being prosthetic, I learned to the best of my abilities to conceal that they're fake. I walk as normally as I can, I don't limp when I put effort into it, though in the process I sway my hips more. I just do the best I can.

"This sucks butt!" I whined walking into my small kitchen and opened my fridge feeling my stomach growl. I grabbed a bottle of water and a piece of vanilla cake left over from my friend Sollux's birthday two days ago. I sighed setting the condiments on the island in the middle of the kitchen and walked to my room to grab a sweater, there was a small draft and it was starting to get to me.

My closet was small and crammed full of clothes, I shoved my clothes to one side to grab my favorite sweater, a brown cardigan with the Taurus symbol in the middle of it in rustic orange. I pulled it on over my head as I walked back into the kitchen preceding to pull out a chair from the table and dragg it to the island. Sitting down I took a swig of the water and sighed.

"I bet Gamz-" My pocket vibrated immiediately followed by the sound of a one of my sick fires being thrown down. I smiled and answered the phone.


"Uh, Tavros?"

My heart lept into my throat, I'd recognize that voice anywhere. Gamzee.

"Yes? Who is this?" I tried to play clueless but I could tell he wasn't falling for it.

"Who else do you think it is? What other strangers have you been giving your phone number too?" Gamzee chuckled lightly.

"I-I uh, no you're the only one I gave it to." I felt my face heat up.

"Glad to hear that brother, I mean Tavros."

"Uh, so I really didn't actually expect you to call...this fast that is."

"oh, if you want me to call later I will."

"NO! I-" I blushed furiously on my end of the phone, I cleared my throat and tried to talk again.

"It's fine Gamzee, I'm glad you called. I was actually rather bored." I laughed lightly trying to hide my embarrassment.

"So what's up?"

"Well I- um, I was wondering if you'd go on a date with me. Like maybe grab a cup of coffee. Oh wait! That's stupid you work at a coffee shop, my bad."

I could hear as Gamzee face palmed, the sound of his hand hitting his face made me flinch, it didn't sound soft. Poor angel.

"Coffee sounds fine, besides that's how we met anyways. I think it'd be, sweet." I giggled into the phone hearing Gamzee sigh in relief.

"That'sgreat! Sowhattimewould youlikemetopickyouup?"  Gamzee sounded like he was fidgety and nervous, I felt myself relax a bit more knowing he sounded just as nervous as I felt.

"How about in an hour, it's like," I quickly checked the clock.

"4:00 pm now so at 5?" I asked crossing my fingers quietly jumping up and down like a school girl fangirling over her new love interest, and that's what Gamzee is right, a new love interest. Right?

Coffee {Gamzee x Tavros}Where stories live. Discover now