Forming a Mind set for Tomorrow

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Gamzee sighed raking his fingers through his tousled hair before letting his gangly limbs fall back down to his sides, hands lightly clapping against his jean clad thighs. He stood on the front porch of his home, his keys in his right hand. A small pressure was at the base of his skull, a feeling as if he was supposed to be doing something or was forgetting an important detail, and a swirl of anxiety rested in him. His hand lifted placing the key into the lock, slowly turning it, the door opened with ease, the hinges creaking in their use. Gamzee stepped inside his home, the lights were dimming the rooms significantly, only a few small rays of sunlight filtered in through the semi-open blinds in the kitchen and living room. It was unusual to see it so dark, so empty, and quiet. That was it, the house was quiet.

Not once had the house been quiet when Gamzee returned from work. Tavros had been coming out of his shell and listening to music. He'd been dabbling in cooking and the sight Gamzee was usually met with was small gently swaying hips as Tavros stood at the stove with a bright smile, happily preparing a meal.

Now that he wasn't there, Gamzee felt like he was missing a big piece of himself. He'd grown accustomed to Tavros, how he talked and poked fun, how he laughed and loved to gingerly pull on his hair when he was annoyed with him. A smile flitted across his face as he thought of the soft and tender kisses they shared briefly when they cuddled on the couch and the times when Tavros' legs would ache from his prosthetics so he'd take them off and Gamzee would swoop him up in his arms carrying him wherever he wanted to go.

"Tav?" Gamzee called out, his voice hoarse from the lack of speaking all day. There was no response, Gamzee frowned. He put his keys on the key-ring next to the door and walked to their bedroom. As he suspected it was empty, the bed neatly made and the wash that Tavros must have done earlier sat folded on the edge of the dresser. Gamzee pursed his lips starting to chew on the inside of his cheek. He walked to the bathroom, the door was slightly open, light flooding through the tiny crack.

"Tavros?" He called out again, maybe he just didn't hear me? He thought. He knocked on the door, no response. He pushed it open, eyes widening as he saw the the bathroom rug balled up and pushed in the corner, like someone had sat on the floor and pushed it away with their feet and the counter-top had water splashed across it and a drop of toothpaste. Tavros never left a mess out, it just wasn't in his nature. He must have been really upset, Gamzee sighed thinking to himself. Though, he had no clue as to what caused such distress.

His chest felt constricted, his stomach pulled tight in knots. Gamzee took small steps, walking confused and sullenly to his kitchen. His eyes landing on the fridge, a small yellow slip of paper was attached to the fridge with a peanut butter jar designed magnet. Gamzee grabbed the paper, eyes scanning across the words hastily scribbled onto it.

"Went to a friends, be back soon -T. " He read aloud.

Of course, how could he think Tavros would just leave without saying anything to him. The other was too considerate to do anything of the sort. Though, even with the note in hand he wished he could have heard it from his mouth, seen him leave and with who. He didn't know where he went and that was worrying, but he had to trust him. He shouldn't act so protective, shouldn't act like he wanted to keep Tavros all to himself, to keep him in his home and at his side, he shouldn't be so possessive.

Gamzee sighed, the phone in his pocket vibrating in a set pattern that was made to resemble the beat of a heart. He reached in his pocket, fishing out his phone. The screen was lit up with a notification. It was a text from Tavros. Gamzee smiled clicking on it, expanding the text box.

Coffee {Gamzee x Tavros}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ