[22] - Unexpected

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♣ Ariadne's P.O.V. ♣

I grimaced, wincing as I tied my laces up the skates. I'd never really liked skating, especially since ice brought me bad memories of the time I'd nearly drowned in a lake once. Still, I'd learned how to skate, but it wasn't my most favorite thing to do in my spare time. Let's just say I'm mostly a beginner.

Everyone was chatting away, clearly really excited. There was barely anyone in the ice rink, so we were practically on our own, except for two or three older looking couples and a young couple.

Aaron sat a little closer to me, inching closer a bit as I struggled with my laces.

"Should I help you with that?" As usual, his husky voice sent goosebumps down my arms, and I couldn't quite meet his eyes. He got off his seat and kneeled in front of me, taking my laces in his hands. So this must be how Cinderella felt when her Prince Charming changed her life, once and for all.

I watched as he tied up my laces for both my skates, and I couldn't help but blush. Why? I wasn't quite sure. As he finished, he stood up, dusting his hands. Then, he offered me his hand.

"Oh my god, stop the love tension here." El cried out, waving her hands in the air dramatically as she ran over to me on skates. "Let's go, Ari. I'll help you." She offered me her hand, and I took it immediately. She helped me up, and Brook, having appeared out of nowhere, supported me by pushing my back. Slowly, I wobbled onto the rink, trying not to fall as my knees shook like jelly.

I couldn't take my hands off the side, so El personally took me by my wrist and pulled me away. I refused her help as she insisted on going around again. I pushed her away towards Damon, who smiled at me gratefully.
Suddenly, someone appeared behind me, gently holding my waist.

"Look forwards, and breathe, mi reina." Aaron murmured, pushing me forwards as he skated. I did as he said, closing my eyes. Almost, just almost, I felt like Rose on the Titanic. He spun me around, and my eyes darted open. My eyes met his, and he smiled.

"Mi reina." He whispered, slowly coming to a stop. "Will you go out with me?"

Saying I froze would be an understatement. I couldn't breathe. All my thoughts blocked one another out, and I couldn't get my limbs to move. My voice wasn't working, and all I could do was stare at him in shock.

"I'll give you some time." He said softly, guiding me to the side bar thingies. "Please consider it." With that, he was gone, skating away. Slowly, I wobbled away, towards where El and Brook were chatting.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Brook demanded, looking completely frightened.

"You won't believe what just happened." I said softly, looking up at them.

"Tell us!" El cried out, sounding impatient.

"Aaron asked me out." I said, waiting for a reaction. They froze up the same way I had.

El was the first to break the silence. "Shut up!" She yelled, her eyes bulging out of their sockets. "No way!"

"Well, did you accept or what?" Brook asked, sounding the most excited out of all of us.

"Uh, he gave me some time to think through his offer."

"Well, go accept it." El squealed. "You like him, don't you? And he seems infatuated with you."

"I'm not sure," I admitted. "Because I've never experienced liking a guy before."

"Do you want to accept?" Brook asked lightly, shooting a disapproving glare at El. "What do you want, Ari?"

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