[28] - Jealousy

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♣ Ariadne's P.O.V. ♣

"That," Brook declared. "Was possibly the most ridiculous and awkward fun I've ever had. Did you see all their faces when we gave them their roles as our male 'cheerleaders'?"

"Ronnie's just too cute and stupid at the same time." El smirked. "It is, after all, his fault that all of them got into the 'cheerleading business'."

"Hurry up and just get changed." I protested, refusing to admit what they were saying. Currently, we were in Brook's house, mainly just waiting on El as Brook and I had already gotten changed and ready for bed. Only El was being slow as she wouldn't stop for a single second to stop teasing Aaron.

"Did you see Aaron's face when you told him that all three of them would back us up as our helping 'cheerleaders?" El snickered. "That was priceless."

"Not as good as that moment when he crashed into Ian who crashed into Damon, and they all toppled down like dominoes." Brook finally laughed.

"Nope, the best was when Aaron fell into a splits when we asked him to stretch." El laughed. "His expression was beyond hilarious."

"When is this night going to actually start?" I blurted out, trying to switch topics. It worked.

"Oh yeah... Go!" Brook instructed, scowling at El. I mean, we were waiting for El so that we could have our 'girls' night out' after so long. El saluted us and walked up to get a shower. As soon as El left, Brook turned to face me.

"Do you really really really like Aaron? Or is it just a flirtationship? Or do you guys just kinda like each other?"When Brook was curious, she didn't ask: she demanded.

"Well..." I felt the heat rise to my face, and I looked down at my hands. "I don't know."

"But does he like you?" She persisted, not getting the hint that I wasn't ready to know or tell.

"I'm not sure..." I said hesitantly. "Do you think he does?" If Brook had noticed that I'd switched topics, she didn't question it. Instead, she fell back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling.

"Girl, he's obsessed. Remember what I once told you? Once a guy gets a taste of you, he'll come back craving for more." She teased, and I laid on my back next to her.

Honestly, I wasn't entirely too sure what I felt for Aaron. El was convinced that I liked him, and Brook was pretty sure too. Still, I didn't actually know. I'd never actually liked a boy in the way I like Aaron, but is this was liking someone actually feels like?

"Hello, dearies." El said in her weird granny voice, flying onto the bed alongside me. Where did she come from? "So, Ari... Do you like Aaron?" I groaned. This is going to be a long night...

"Girlie here says she don't know." Brook said dryly. "The question is, does Aaron like her?"

"I think he does. I mean, just look at the way he looks at her!" El cried out, getting much too excited for such a topic. She bolted upright, looking beyond excited. "Imagine it. Cute nerd falls for sexy badass hottie and vice versa. I'm melting." She fell back on the bed again, sighing in happiness.

"The problem is..." Brook mused, staring up at the ceiling. "We can't be sure that he likes her or not. Should we try something out, El?"

"Like making him jealous? Or how about locking them in a room together? I'm more for making him jealous." El pondered, bolting back upright. This time, Brook joined her.

"Perfect. But who should we use?" They were off in their own world.

"Guys!" I protested vehemently. "I'm right here, you know!" They turned to look at me, showing me Cheshire cat grins.

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