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Unkown P.O.V

The hospital reeked of chemicals, the pristine walls showcasing everyone's reflection for all to see. Nurses ran around corridors, doctors yelled at each other and machines communicated to each other through a series of beeps and weird high pitched sounds.

A shadowed person entered the long room and the scent of medicine and creams and ointment overwhelmed their nose.

Slowly they inched towards the beds that lined the walls and started to pull back the stark black hood that covered their head.


Authors Note:

Sorry you guys..... you don't get an epilogue because we're so nice and amazing like that!!

The ending is up to you guys and don't even think of asking for a sequel because you guys will be wasting your breath....

Sorry not sorry you guys

We love you please don't leave us

Don't kill us


KJ, SC, HB xx

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