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Hello, all of my readers. Unfortunately, I no longer have any ideas for this story. It has basically become very difficult for me to write. The ideas have completely stopped and I don't know exactly where I am taking this story. I knew the ending perfectly well but unfortunately, I do not really know how to get to that ending. Therefore I am ending the story where it is at. I apologize to those who have enjoyed this story and were excited for the story updates and everything but I cannot continue this story no more. If there is anyone willing to either, take over this story for the time being or willing to help me write the next couple of chapters then maybe I will reconsider deleting this story. But it must be quick. If you are willing to help me out with this story than please either leave a comment and I will get back to you as soon as you can or private message me. Messaging me will be a lot more quicker way to get a hold of me than commenting so thanks for that. I will leave this up for a while so my readers will be have the time to see it but if there are no takers by the time that I delete this story then this story will no longer continue to be updated or anything. Sorry... Farewell my readers.

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