Chapter 9

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Levi sighed as he stared around at all the screaming children while he crossed his arms and leaned back in his seat. "It's filthy in here..." He scowled at the floor as he kept in his own place. It was too noisy, popcorn and candy was everywhere, the music was too loud, kids were running around and being obnoxious and he didn't even want to get started on the smell of the place. He hated it.

Petra laughed, leaning on his shoulder as she sat in the seat beside him. She didn't find the loud noise any different than living with Hanji and Levi under the same roof; they were just children screaming back and forth about meaningless things. "It's not that dirty. It could be worse." She smiled, trying to lighten the mood slightly. "And there's cotton candy! Would you like some cotton candy?" She ripped a small piece off from the sugary treat, offering it to him.

He turned his head away as he passed up the offer. "No thanks." He huffed his chest slightly and took a look at his watch. It had only been 23 minutes since they had arrived and he rolled his eyes. "When does this thing get over with?" He asked to the ginger haired girl next to him, who was smiling and slightly bouncing in her seat. He sighed and bit his tongue as they watched the animals marching in a circle, knowing it made Petra happy. He propped his head up in his hand after resting his elbow on the arm of his chair and remained quiet for the rest of the evening, trying not to ruin it for the cheerful girl.

She tried to keep her eyes on the ring where the acts were taking place, but she found herself constantly looking back at Levi. She frowned as she saw him so bored in this place. She knew he wasn't enjoying himself and she wished she could do something that would help him have a good time. "Do you want to leave?" She asked. She was willing to go through the rest of the show alone, knowing he isn't going to enjoy it no matter how long he stayed.

He shook his head. "I'll be fine." He said as he turned his head. He was willing to suffer through the rest of the show if it meant that he kept his promise and made Petra happy. With everything going on with the baby, and her broken ankle, it was his job to make sure she wouldn't be sad.


The circus show continued to progress along slowly according to Levi who desperately just wanted the whole thing to be done but it seemed to be flying by according to Petra who was enjoying every second of it. She smiled and laughed while watching the acrobats, the lion tamer tame the lion, the seals and their horns, the elephant, the man eating fire, etc. 

It was finally time for the last act, or as the circus leader liked to call it, "the Grand Finale!" He roared loudly for the entire crowd could hear, as if he couldn't get any louder. Levi was sure that people all the way in England could probably hear him yelling. Levi sat up in his seat, figuring that because it was the last act, and it was almost finally time to go home, he would watch the ending portion of the show.

Levi grew bored of the act very quickly and was just about to lean back in his seat to ignore the whole thing before hundreds of gasps emerged from the crowd. Levi was lucky that he was still paying attention at this point because a small smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. It was quite the sight to see according to Petra who noticed the older male begin to softly chuckle while watching the act completely fail.

Petra, being the good and kindhearted person that she was, she did worry horribly for the lion tamer and the elephant and everyone else in the act who may have gotten hurt, but for some odd reason, she was too busy paying attention to the smirking and light chuckling male that was sitting next to her. "Levi?" She whispered as she outstretched her hand in his direction to see if he was actually still sane. I mean, he was forced to sit through something that she knew that he hated but had still decided to stick around. She would actually believe if he had gone insane anymore. Levi never chuckled! 

Levi stopped chuckling immediately when the ginger-haired girl shook by the elbow, causing him to snap out of his odd outburst. "Hm?" He hmmed when she shook him and his gaze immediately shifted from the failing act, to the young girl.

"Levi? You're okay right? I mean, you're chuckling. You never chuckle! This is the first time you're chuckling! And you don't smile! A-Are you sick?! We better take you to the hospital right now. Something is definitely wrong with you. You're chuckling and smirking. And that's not good because you never do that. So grab your things because we're going." Petra ordered as she started to stand up on her crutches with the help of the seat armrests. 

Levi rolled his eyes and sighed before standing up as well. "I don't mind that we're leaving. It'll be nice to finally be out of this loud ass tent that's so damn filthy. Like come on, do they really not know what a broom is? Or just some simple air freshner?" He complained as he helped her out of the aisle and down the stairs so they were able to exit the brightly colored red and yellow striped tent and into the parking lot where Levi spotted his black convertible almost immediately. "I'm fine though. It was just a bit funny how the act failed. I mean, the elephant sat right on the guy's face!" Again, Levi grinned slightly as he pulled out his car keys, unlocking his car from the distance so Petra could get in quicker.

"Levi, that wasn't funny! What if the guy was actually hurt! What if he died?!" Petra's response only made Levi laugh a bit louder and Petra huffed her chest. "You're unbelievable." She muttered as they arrived at the car and her escort helped her into the passenger seat, sticking her crutches in the back seat. In no time, Levi was already starting the engine and they were on their way back home.


Woooo!! Another update! So happy! Just another 3 stories to happy and then I'll be way more ahead than I actually planned on because I know how much you readers missed my stories... I think?? I don't know if you're actually still reading this or not but if you are then thanks so much. This is probably the worst chapter that you're going to read in your life because Levi actually chuckles! Shout out to @Wispia for giving me the idea though. She's being a real help to my story by helping me with ideas and such. Anyways, thanks so much to her and as much as I normally hate my writing so much, I slightly liked this chapter. Probably because I'm such a freak and find it funny when people get hurt. Anyways, I'll stop rambling now. Hopefully, I'll have the motivation to update another story REEEALL soon. 

P.S. I have decided to end this book within the next couple of chapters as well just like I am with Fire and Ice. So sorry my reader-chans but that is the way that it must be. I love you all and thanks so much for sticking around for this story. It definitely means a lot! I love you all!

P.P.S. I have a new story out for all of you Hetalia lovers! It's a shipping book and it would mean the absolute world to me if you voted and commented on that one! Thanks again! Love you all!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2016 ⏰

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