Chapter 6

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Levi sat at the table, drinking a cup of coffee. He sighed.

It's not her coffee, he thought.

He stopped drinking it, holding it in his hands instead and staring across the table at an empty chair. He constantly turned his head to look out the kitchen window to see if she was back yet. The guilt didn't disappear. It just remained.

"How could you hurt her? You inconsiderate asshole!" He lashed out at himself. He stood up abruptly and threw the coffee cup against the wall, leaving behind a huge brown stain. He got up and grabbed a small dustpan, cleaning up the shattered coffee cup bits.

"Idiot!" He mumbled loudly to himself. He heard a loud, car door slam and looked out the window. Eren and Hanji got out first and went to the backseat. Petra was slowly and gingerly helped out from the backseat of Eren's car. Levi saw the large black velcro cast around Petra's ankle along with the crutches under both her arms. Hanji and Eren slowly walked by her side, ready to catch or help her if she needed it. Levi looked back down at the mess he made and finished cleaning up the rest of the coffee cup pieces. He dumped them back in the trash. As he was heading back into the living room, he looked once more at the coffee stain on the wall. He did the best he could to get it out but it was still noticeable. He walked to the living room and laid down on the couch, just as the front door opened.

"Levi!" Petra called for him. He got up immediately and ran over to her and pulled her into a tight embrace, ignoring the crutches.

Hanji and Eren stood there in silence.

"I'm so sorry, Petra." He breathed lightly into her ear.

"It's okay, Levi." Petra used one arm to hug him back, but still being supported by the other crutch. They held each other for a solid 5 minutes before being interrupted by Hanji.

Hanji cleared her throat loudly and obnoxiously. "Excuse me!" She finally said our loud. The two broke apart from each other. "Thank you," Hanji resumed. "How about we just order a pizza tonight. It gives Petra a chance to be off her feet and it's quick and easy."

"Sure." Eren shrugged, signaling he really didn't care.

"Whatever." Levi muttered as he stared into Petra's eyes. She was home and that was all that mattered.

"Sounds good. What toppings?" Hanji asked as she pulled out her phone and began dialing the number of the nearest pizza parlor.

"Pepperoni and sausage?" She asked the 3 of them.

"Sure." Petra said, quite dazed.

"Stuffed crust!" Eren exclaimed, practically jumping up and down in excitement.

A pizza employee picked up the phone and Hanji broke away from the group and the conversation to place the groups order. Eren headed to the living room and switched on the TV, resting into one of the comfortable recliners.

"We should probably get you off your feet." Levi suggested.

"Yeah, I guess." Petra nodded in agreement. Levi helped her into the living room and helped her to sit on the couch. He sat next to her and they all began watching TV, Petra snuggling a little more closer to Levi than usual. Hanji came walking into the living room.

"Uh huh. Okay. 25-30 minutes? Got it. Thank you." Hanji replied and clicked the line dead.

"Okay, they'll be here in about 25-30 minutes." She explained and sat down on the other, unoccupied recliner, joining the group in watching a TV program to pass the time while waiting for the pizza.


25 Minutes Later


There were two loud knocks on the door. Hanji came rushing towards it with a small stack of cash in her hand to pay for the pizza.

She greeted the pizza delivery man with a simple, "Hello."

"$14.76 is your total." The man said as he handed the pizza to Eren as he joined Hanji to help her with the pizza.

Hanji handed him a $20 bill. "Here you go, keep the change." She gave him a small smile and closed the door as he walked away.

"Dinner!" She called to Petra and Levi for they were still in the living room on the couch.

"Stay here. I'll get you some food." Levi patted Petra's knee and stood up to go get food for the two of them.

"Thanks," Petra gave him a warm smile.

"Levi," Hanji whispered so Petra wouldn't hear their conversation.

"What shitty glasses?" He didn't look at her as he set two slices of pepperoni pizza on each of their plates along with a breadstick.

"Are you going to take care of her?" Hanji asked him.

"Yeah, until she's better." He picked the two plates up, and turned, now facing Hanji.

"Are you going to help her with the baby?" Levi stopped in his tracks. He wasn't sure. He always tried pushing the baby thought from his head, not wanting to think about it. "Well? Are you?" Hanji repeated herself.

"I don't know." He muttered and walked back to the living room to deliver Petra her dinner.

Petra and Levi ate their dinner quietly with Eren and Hanji in the kitchen. Petra cuddled up more next to him as they watched some more TV. Petra slowly fell asleep on the couch. About 5-10 minutes after Levi noticed she fell asleep he got up from the couch, walked to the hallway closet and grabbed a large blanket to cover her. He lightly laid it on top of her and just for a moment, watched her while she slept.

"Goodnight, Petra." He whispered to her and went back to his own room. Hanji and Eren silently watched him from the corner. They saw and heard everything, from her falling asleep on the couch to him saying goodnight.

"Well that was interesting." Hanji spoke.

"Very." Eren commented.

"Well, it's late Eren and we've had a long day. I'm going to bed, see you tomorrow." Hanji said as she walked to her room with Eren by her side. Considering their rooms were right next to each other.

"Yeah, goodnight Hanji." Eren and Hanji gave a small nod to each other and closed the doors behind them after they entered their room.


The Next Day


"Levi!" Hanji screamed. "Levi! Get your fat ass up and come help me!" She came bursting into the door as Levi still laid there, motionless, in bed. "Get up! Now!" She screamed again.

"No." Levi mumbled from under the bed covers.

Hanji sighed heavily and then noticed the small cup of water on his bedside table. She grinned as she devised a plan in her head.

She walked over to Levi, grabbed the little cup or water and poured it onto Levi.

Levi sat up quickly, drenched in water. "WHAT THE FUCK SHITTY GLASSES?!" He growled.

"It's Petra." She quietly said with a frown and looked down. Levi quickly untangled himself from the bed sheets and blankets and got out of bed. He rushed from his bedside, to the door, passing Hanji and ran out to the living room to see what had happened to Petra. And then he saw her on the floor.

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