Where The Hell Am I??

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I awoke an hour later, in a boys bedroom. Wait- what?! How the hell did I end up in here?! I racked my brain for an answer- and then it all came back to me. The girls, then the boy- oh god no I can't be in his room! But how did I- I remember him picking me from the floor bridal style... And then I must of passed out.

Wow, I remember him now, his deep hazel eyes, his sienna coloured hair, his muscles-

"So I see your awake, love." Oh god oh god oh god oh god-

"No I'm sleeping, isn't it obvious??" My voice dripping with sarcasm.
Aaaaaaaand there I go... Letting sarcasm take over.

He chuckled softly, his deep voice echoing the room while he crosses his arms and leans against the door frame shaking his head with a big grin on his face.

I looked away nervously, finding my nails suddenly interesting,trying not to stare at this handsome being in front of me. Then I remembered I had questions- crap. I'm so stupid.

"What happened?? How did I get in here?? And where am i?!"
I burst out, not thinking of how rude I sounded. Well you can't blame me... I've never had a friend before or been this social with someone other than my own mother so being around people- wasn't so easy as I couldn't risk anyone finding out about what I am and plus people have the first instinct to hate me as soon as they see me. So you can obviously tell I'm popular. * obviously*

"Wow okay, I saved you and that's all you say?? That's lovely of you, good afternoon to you too, love." His grin grew wider as he noticed the stern look I had on my face knowing he had gotten to me whilst he stood up normally instead of leaning.

"Firstly, I am not your 'love', secondly you did not save me you practically kidnapped me, and thirdly you answered none of my questions." I answered with annoyance clearly projecting through my voice.

A deep chuckle hummed from his throat, before an awkward silence fell between us again.
"Well??" I demanded
"Okay, After you couldn't stand up and I had to pick you up from the floor bridal style while you oggled at my muscles I told you my name-"
" what is your name??" I interrupted making myself cringe with embarrassment.

He raised an eyebrow, "Max, and as I was saying before I got so rudely interrupted you fell asleep in my arms so I-"
"Brought me back to yours to sleep practically kidnapping me and now we're here?? Well thank you for looking after me but I better go home, my mum will be worrying out of her mind."

"Love, It's only half 1, you can either go to school and get beaten up, go home and get grounded or stay here with your hero. Your choice."

My hero?! Okay so yes he saved me from being beaten up but now he's just taking it to extremes. Not to mention he called me "love" again after I ever so clearly told him not to. Damn him.

"And who says I'll get grounded if I go home?? My mum is at work anyway... She won't even know. Just take me home please, and I swear you call me love again one more time you will no longer have a head." I threatened, demonstrating my ecstatic mood. Note the sarcasm.

"Okay okay okay, I'll take you home, no need to be polite to me, love."
I sent him looks that could kill which made him chuckle, and made me break into smiles. Damnit him and his attractive face.


I stepped outside, breathing in the muggy fog air, taking in everything that has happened today. I sound as if this is something that has happened before... But really this is the weirdest day of my life yet, because someone actually helped me in one of my weakest points, now that has never happened before. Maybe one day I won't be the girl everybody hates. Maybe-

"Earth to person. I never actually got your name by the way you were the one questioning me! So if you don't mind me asking... I would like to learn your name. I mean I should of asked by now but-"

I whispered, regretting it immediately... Why did I tell him my name?! Why did he even want to know, my name is horrible.

"Rita..." He mumbled looking forward at the sky, a small smile spreading on his face.
"I like it." He looked at me with sparkling eyes, making my heart race.
For a moment we just stared at each other... Taking in the fog atmosphere that set a magical era around us.

Way too soon, he broke the gaze and grabbed my hand, walking forward.
"C'mon love, let's get you home."
And for the first time that day, I felt happy, for some odd, rare reason I couldn't put my finger on.


"Okay so take another two lefts, then on the roundabout take a right and I'm the third house down... I think."
I had been attempting- attempting to try direct Max to my house for the past 23 minutes. It's hard trying to remember how you get to somewhere when you've only ever left they're once- okay?!

" I can't believe you don't know how to get to your own house."
Max mocked me obviously amused by my 'memory skillage', earning a death glare from me.

"Well why don't you try moving to somewhere you've never been before, expected to find your way home when you can't even remember where you live!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air and leaned back in the seat, sighing.

"Naaaaaaah you just want some extra alone time in the car with me." He pretends to flip back his 'long' hair (it really wasn't) and batted his eyelashes.
"But its okay, I understand that I smell nice and I'm irrestible."

I burst out with laughter, laughing at his stupidness.
I've been putting up with this for the past half hour now.
Don't ask.

"Awe that's sweet. Your head just expanded. Clearly." I pointed at him whilst he frantically looked in the mirror scared his head had expanded.

He's dumber than I thought.

"Oh ha ha. Your just jealous." He pouted, furrowing his eyebrows.
"And what exactly would I be jealous for?"
A shocked expression covered his face as he put his hand on his heart, shaking his head as he came up to the roundabout.
"This better be the right route, cause traffic is a bumhole up here."

In the distance I saw flashing lights...
And all I heard was sirens.
Then a bad but feeling evolved in my stomach. I just knew from the moment something was wrong that this wasn't any ordinary accident, this meant something and I'm determined to find out why this terrible feeling inside of me grew.

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