Save Me, Please!

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Max's p.o.v:

A cabin. Rita, is in a cabin... with someone else. I stand here, on this bias cold pavement, my heads clenching. I'm furious, and I'm ready to pounce as hell, I need her even if she doesn't need me but right now I know for a fact that I'm the only one who can help her. I'm not getting her back for just her, I'm doing this for me too because she means something big to me. She means something massive. Only a few steps and I'll be right at home in my heart... With her.

Rita's POV:

Everywhere on my body I was in immense pain, but I was sat there... Frozen. Surely, if this monster wanted me so bad, he wouldn't have... Done that to me last night? I can't say it. I won't say it, I'll have to pretend it never happened and sit here, in the same position I was left in last night - frozen.

I was so lost in my ice cold heaviness that I barely even noticed him walk in, an evil smile stretching from one side of his dirty face all the way to the other.

"Hey Baby, sleep well last night? I hope you didn't. Floor's aren't supposed to be slept on unless you're a pathetic waste like you. Tell me, what can I do with you today?"

Frozen. My mouth stayed shut. I don't move a muscle, I just silently stared at the spot in the corner of the room while a tear ran down my face.

My body didn't want to move, my mouth couldn't speak.

"Awwwe, are you scared of me? Are you finally surrendering? Are you giving up which you should've done years ago? Better f****ng be."

I couldn't take it! Before I could stop myself my inside voice made me scream out a desperate shout, a shout of help, a shout of trauma, a shout of agony! I was done! If he kills me for this I hope he does it fast.

"Shut up you fat w***e!"

His fist collides with my cheek, causing my frozen body to fall on its side as my vision started to blur.

Black dots; all my eyes could see was black dots until a figure jumped through the door and attacked the monster I was trapped by, but who is it? I think I need to go to sleep now, save me...please.


I could smell his vomit like scent from miles away, my hands opening a door quietly yet viciously, preparing myself for the damage I was going to commit to his face.

My heart thumps against my ribcage, a lighting bolt of ambition shooting hairs and goosebumps all over the rough surface of my body as a shrilling scream tears through stale air.

With eyes widened, I see the scum that took my girl and immediately attacked him, he was going to pay.
My claws dug into his shoulders from behind, a cry projecting from his stupid face trap.

"Get the f*** off of me!"

I ignored his comment and threw him against the nearest wall, my wolf screaming at me to slice open his throat for hurting my girl.

My hand cuddled his throat, his feet lifted high from the floor as his hands struggled against my grip and his face bright red.

"Now you listen here to me, you filthy piece of sh**. I want to rip your throat out right here... Right now. What the fu** do you want with Rita?! Answer me!"


I dropped his pathetic body and watched him struggled to sit up with disgust written all over my face, I want to torture him till death.

He was struggling to catch his breath before he said, "that's my daughter, she's mine. I have taken everything away from her because she's a messed up, worthless piece of s**t and I want to see her suffer for me."

Outrage fired through my body as I knocked him out of consciousness with my fist in one single hit, still not feeling like he has gotten everything he deserved.

A tidal wave of remembrance washed through me as I twisted on my heel, my worried posture rushing to Riri as my arms swept her frail body up, bridal style.

"Oh Riri... Please stay with me."

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