Late Introductions (Wednesday)

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Well, hello everyone! I'm Vanessa, also known as @frxxcknbricks.

I'm so happy that I'm on Wednesdays because that's my second favourite day of the week! Thursday is my favourite day of all time.

I hate Fridays, go way too quickly if you ask me.

To ease your confusion: I'm aware that this introduction is late compared to the other ones, so will my first rant (go check it out after this, it's on the second Wednesday post!) because I just joined the fabulous rant team this weekend and yeah.

I know what you're thinking.What kind of username is that and why is there two x's there when their is only one letter missing? To answer those questions, I don't know.

It was a spur of the moment, I just wanted to make an account and it was the first thing I could think of, please stop judging me.

I can spell I promise!

Apparently, I have to introduce myself but there isn't really much to say, it's hard to explain who I am, ask anyone. If you don't talk to me, I'm pretty hard to understand but I'll try my best.

I've always been indecisive growing up because I've never been the best at making the right decisions which became a problem when high school rolled around, I'm starting my first year of high school meaning I'm in ninth grade.


Anyway, I've never known what I was good at or what I was destined to be causing me to jump from one career choice to another. We started at Doctor and ended up at Writer/Editor/Publisher. Don't ask me how that happened but I'm so happy that it did because it revealed something I was good at, using my imagination to make up weird stories.

Speaking of stories, I write one on wattpad called How To: Romance on my account @frxxcknbricks.

*end of self promo*

I'm one of those people who don't talk to others unless I have talked to you constantly for a span of, I would like to say five months. I would consider myself closed off and shy around fairly new people but once we're friends, you're stuck with me and it's going to be one hell of a rollercoaster, let me tell you. The person I am on the internet is way more confident than the person I am in real life and that seems unreal to some people but it's the truth and I think it's like that for anybody.

That will probably be one of the many topics I rant about.

I think something that plays a big role in my personality is music which is why I'm going to use it to hopefully explain some of my personality. The bands and artists I mainly listen to are Twenty One Pilots, Fall Out Boy, Sleeping With Sirens, Jake Miller, Ed Sheeran, The 1975, Arctic Monkeys. Now, if you know or listen to any of these bands, you understand that some of these are not very well known by what I dare call the mainstream audience simply because how they go about their music isn't the "traditional" way I would like to say. That includes everyone except Ed Sheeran I suppose since he is well known which is what strays him away from the others.

What they have in common is they try their best to carry meanings and that's something that plays a big role in my personality, I like things that carry meaning because that's the only way I can explain how I feel or what I want to feel which is why I turn to music.

Hopefully this all makes sense.

Don't get me wrong, I love artists like Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift as well because their character and what they stand for alone carries meaning.

Something else I really love is reading and writing poems, stories or just my thoughts. Reading can help you find someone fictional to relate with or someone you want to be. For example, I'm in love with the Mortal Instruments Series because Clary Fray and Simon Lewis are people I want to be. Clary may be stubborn and often go off on their own but that shows bravery and confident, something I lack. Simon is someone I relate to deeply but a more extroverted version. This is what made me fall in love with the books, the characters.

Onto writing, I started really writing poems this year after someone close to me died.

I wrote poems to express how I felt, to tell the paper the pain I didn't want to share with anyone else and it actually made me feel better. A lot better actually but that didn't mean the anxiety went. I think the anxiety got worse once he passed away, he was one of the few people I wasn't scared to share who I was with and he was gone and I won't lie it still takes a toll on me.

From poems, I went to stories which led me to wattpad and all the amazing people on here so, for that I constantly thank him because he helped me realize who I want to be, what I want to pursue which is writing.

I hope this didn't bore you guys too much.

A few other things before I go:

My favourite colour is purple which is weird because I wear something black almost every day of the year, it drives my mom absolutely crazy.

I'm one of those tumblr obsessed girls who reblog pretty pictures and sad quotes, you can follow my tumblr, it's abstrusepoetics. With being obsessed with tumblrs, comes having a fandom based twitter where I mostly drool over the Teen Wolf cast, the user is sprayobrosey. If you ever want to talk but not on here, I'm active on those daily.

I live in Canada which can be extremely annoying since all the cool people I meet online are usually from the U.S which stings.

I'm into Cliche books so if you ever want to comment some cliche wattpad books I should check out, I probably will read them, so I encourage you to go ahead!

Anything else you guys need to know, you will slowly find out through my rants on Wednesday so stay tuned!

Teaser: Rant #1 will be about Real You vs Internet You  

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