Sun(Post #6)

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Yes. I know I'm late again. Take a shot every time Sunlit is late. Don't die of alcohol poisoning. 

I'm currently curled up in bed with ice cream while writing this haha. This should totally be some crappy teen movie scene. Minus the aggressive J. Cole. pounding in the background and replace it with like, Adele or something. Cause, you know, kids don't listen to rap in teen movies for some unknown reason. And yes, I'm eating out of the 1.5 quart box. Sue me. Picking out all the cookie dough too. I don't even like ice cream, I have sensitive teeth. I just want the damn cookie dough. 

But okay, I want to make this today (ahem, supposed to be yesterday, but writing today) about this thing that people seem to say often. This, perfect, unattainable state of permanent happiness. 

"All I want in life is to be happy, consistently happy." 

Okay, sorry to knock you off your pedestal, and I was going to start off nice, but I'm not criticizing you. I'm just gunna tell you, that's impossible. You know why? Permanent happiness is bullshit. That statement is bullshit. Yeah, it would be nice to be happy most of the time. But that's impossible. We all, every single one of us knows, that we do not laugh every single second, or stay smiling ridiculously. And you know what? The reason we want it so bad, is because it's only special for the reason that we don't experience it all the time. It goes away, it comes back, it varies in intensity. 

You can't be at this stabilized, super high point no mater what and stay there. You experience other things. And they may hurt, or not be ideal, but you know what? They're still beautiful. Deal with your emotions. I'm not saying not to be content, I'm saying, don't reach for that. Be stable, and comfortable. You cannot be permanently happy though. 

Don't be one of those hippie, "I HEART MY LIFE" fuckers either, who denies anything but utter happiness. Stop lying, and get out of denial. You're allowed to love your life, but don't pretend your problems have disappeared when they're clearly in front of you. You need to deal with shit, even if it's unpleasant. Don't go blind spontaneously with how much "fun" you're having. Don't ovverride your emotions. 

Deal with your emotional responses accordingly. Analyze them. Fix the problem, don't ignore them.

Your emotional responses teach you lessons. You learn from them. And they add spunk to your life. The ups and downs, the rollercoaster of the human experience. 

Deal with the full spectrum, because they're going to happen no matter what. So stop reaching for happiness, and reach for being comfortable with emotional experiences as they come instead, cause they won't go away. 

Sunlit's out. (Cue badassery kicking of doors and strutting away.) 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2015 ⏰

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