The Educational System, Am I? |FriP#2|

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Happy Friday! For some of you, today is the first day of freedom from school. And for others, today is just another day of your summer vacation. Either way, I hope you have an amazing Friday night and enjoy your weekend!  Aside from my stance on this topic, this lovely video above has inspired and pushed me into actually doing this rant. Throughout the rant, you will see references to this video so prop to this man. Go check it out!

✌︎Friday. My second favorite F word. ✌︎

Before I start this rant, I just want to let you guys know that this rant is not about school so there won't be talk about drama, friends, teachers, homework, liking or disliking school, etc. But you guys want a rant about all of that juicy stuff, just let me know because I have a shitload of stories. Anyways, lets get started! 

Rant time!

Okay honestly, what the fuck is wrong with our educational system? (When I mean 'our', I'm talking about America.) Whenever I've talked to someone from a different country, the person basically laughs at America's educational system. But can you blame the person? And if you're wondering, "what's so wrong with your education?" then let me break it down for you. 

"When the fuck will I ever use this shit?" I bet you've all heard this lovely phrase at least once. (Probably not as 'colorful' but I warned you guys of my cursing.) Hell, maybe you even say it yourself because I sure as hell do. Now don't get me wrong, there are various things we learn in school that are essential for the real world. But last time I checked, not everyone is going to use the quadratic equation as much as my math teacher may think. Our education system are based solely, and rigidly, around English, Math, Social Studies, and Science. Yet, not every student may want to go into a career heavily dependent on one of those subjects. But our educational system insists school focus on those four subjects as if students will die without them. I'm not saying English and Math aren't important because they are, just like Science and Social Studies, extremely important. But why can't students have more practical classes or lessons in these subjects? Because, sorry to burst your bubble teachers, not every student wants to be an english teacher, an engineer, a biologist, or a historian.

"What's a W-2 Form? How come student's aren't being taught how to file taxes or take out loans? Or how about to do basic first aid? Or how to vote for a political candidate? After high school, many students choose to go to college, and college is no joke. By the time the average student is in college, he or shed may be working and voting. Taxes are beyond difficult, and most definitely not fun to file. Can you imagine not knowing how to file taxes on top of trying to get them done on time? Or how about voting for the next presidential candidate with no clue what you should choose? 

College has no time to teach such basic things to students, which is why high school, and even middle school, should be doing so. Yet, high school students are graduating without knowing how to do basic and important adult responsibilities. It should be a requirement for high schoolers to have some sort of a realistic class on finance, politics, medical/personal health(other than the half-assed health or sex-ed class), and interviewing skills/being professional. Isn't it damn same how a student can recite various math questions but he/she can't recall how to take out a loan or my 30 natural rights? "I'm sorry, I was too busy memorizing the different functions and structures of a cell to learn about finance" isn't going to fucking cut it in the real world. 

"Why the fuck is college so expensive?" Okay, I know for many people the cost for college is a serious issue. Many people can't afford to go to a two year or four year college. With tuition being $40,000 and up with the additional cost of books, living on campus, and day to day necessities, college is just too much for some people. And it is beyond understandable. But what isn't understandable is the expensive price tag attached to college. Education is a part of our human rights yet we're being charged insane prices to gain knowledge. How is our generation, and future ones, suppose to better the world when we can't afford the education to help us? I will never understand how people want students to go to college and better their lives when college is financially way out of reach for them. 

And yes, there are numerous scholarships out there for students. But not every scholarship is for everyone. For a student who is middle class or high middle class, it is extremely difficult for he/she to gain scholarships. Because many of the scholarships out there are typically designed for people with low income which is completely amazing and understandable. But college is just too expensive for a middle class household to afford while paying for other bills. And sometime scholarships just aren't relatable or possible for a student to complete even if he/she are eligible for the scholarship. College is a fucking money hungry business, not an educational institution. Because how could a college swear to want the best for students when it's charging students $40,000+ per year? Please explain to me.

"It's time for change!" Not matter how much students complain about this crappy system, it's not going to help our cause. Instead of giving up hope, we as students should do something about this injustice. We shouldn't be deprived of knowledge. Encourage your teachers and principle to teach classes on the day to day responsibilities and problems of an adult. Write letters to colleges and inform them of your love for education but the lack of money for it. Make noise about your educational system so everyone hears it. Be passionate but be polite doing so. Make and be the change because your knowledge is on the line. Lets not suffer in silence anymore. 

"Change is the end result of all true learning."

— Leo Buscaglia

Well my lovely people, that's all for this rant! I may be missing some issues so comment any I may have missed! Also let me know you're issue with your educational system! Until next time, peace out.✌︎

♥︎Be yourself and enjoy the little things.♥︎

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