Indy Pop Con

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It started out as a rainy day in LA, kind of the usual here, but nothing like this. I was recording a video (horror as I recall) when my phone buzzed. I ignored it until the end of the recording.

It was from Jack, a simple, one line text. "Hey, Mark? When's the Convention again?" he had asked. I read it in my head with his voice. It sounded so adorable.

I replied with the time and date, knowing our panel was on a Saturday. He instantly replied with an "Okay, thanks." and I began editing the video.

Later that day, Jack had called me on Skype. I answered, having nothing else planned for the day. I had already uploaded the two daily videos and I was free for the evening.

"Heya, Mark!" Jack said, clearly happy to see me.

"Hey, Jack. How's it goin over in Ireland?"

"Fine. I guess..." he shrugged, my smile fading.

"You guess? Something wrong, Jack?" I ask, puzzled.

"Oh, just first Con jitters. I swear it!" he said, raising his hands in defense.

I smiled, he was so cute someti- wait. Markimoo, think about what you just thought. (what? Lol)

I shook my head, it was nothing. "Alright, Jack. So, I'll see you tomorrow, right?"

He nodded. "Yep! And I'm bringing Sam so he doesn't get lonely while I'm gone." He held up his plush Septic Eye.

"Alright. See you then."

"See you, Mark!" and we disconnect.

I stretch, not wanting to move. Jack's smile and voice was still playing through my mind. I didn't know why. I knew I liked men, but Jack? He's loud, yes, but we're best friends. I could never date him... Or- could I? My mind couldn't make itself up. I didn't know why.

Ah well, I'll see him tomorrow.

~Time Skip~

Another day, another cup of coffee. The morning had started great, only last night Jack had actually arrived early. He didn't have a place to stay, so I let him sleep on the couch. I woke to him hugging me.

Not that I didn't like it, but it was a little creepy to wake up with your guy friend hugging you without you knowing. Not fun. But, I resisted a scream as to not wake him. And to make matters worse, he'd wrapped most of the blanket around his waist and legs. I was freezing on half of my body.

I huffed, gently wriggling out of his death grip. I had finally gotten out and downstairs when I heard a grumble from my room. I stood still, making no noise. Jack mumbled and fell back asleep. I sighed in relief.

I then made my way into the kitchen, popping a cartridge into my Keurig and placing a cup underneath. I pressed the button. It hummed, making my morning brew. I then went into the fridge, grabbing the butter and some left over pancakes. I buttered them up and microwaved them.

Jack, probably smelling the coffee I was brewing, wandered downstairs. His tired expression and Sam pajama pants reminded me of myself in the mornings. His hair was all sorts of bed head, and he was topless. (god dammit) I blushed a bit, trying my hardest to keep my jaw shut.

"Mornin', Mark..." He mumbled through sleep and the drowsiness of morning.

"Morning, Jack. Sleep well? In my bed?" I asked, my pancakes dinging.

Jack just smiled a bit, his eyes closed, "I did. But hey, I was all by my lonesome." he gave me a grin and set off for the bathroom.

I rolled my eyes, what a goofball. I then took out my pancakes, pouring syrup on top of them. Jack walked out as I stabbed a cut piece with a fork. I stopped, it half-way to my mouth. Jack laughed, making me grin. I ate the piece and reached into the fridge. Jack stopped laughing.

"What're you doin', Mark?" He asked, worried.

"Nothin'" I grinned, snatching up the can of whipped cream. I shook it and ran after Jack.

He screamed and ran away, going up into my room and hiding underneath the blankets. I came into the room and swore he wasn't in there. But, playing horror games had actually helped me out. I got quiet, listening for him.

I heard a small chuckle from underneath the blankets and quietly went over. I snatched them off and pressed the button on the can, coating him.

"Ah! Mark! No, stop!" He laughed, rolling off the bed comando style and running downstairs again. I rushed after his Irish butt. But, as I saw what he was holding I fell to my knees. He was holding a lighter and my box of Cheez-its.

"Jack. Don't do it, Jack. You're making a mistake."

"Drop the whipped cream. Kick it to me." he threatened, lighting the lighter.

I squeaked, making him crack a smile. But I did as he asked, anyone with my Cheez-its was one to listen to. He tossed me the box and picked up the can. He then sprayed some in his mouth and put it back in the fridge.

"My Cheez-its... Mine..."

~Time Skip (cuz I feel like it)~

We we're finally at the conven...tion... Holy crap. There were so many vendors and people it was ridiculous. We'd never expect anything like this.

Jack grabbed my arm, "Wh-what the fook? Why are there so many?"

I yanked my arm away, "Seems there's more fans then we realized. Oh well." I shrugged, heading for our booth.

That night, Jack came back to the hotel room with me, since he didn't know his way around and he insisted on staying with me. I just made sure there was no more whipped cream cans or lighters laying around.

Jack had gotten comfortable by messing up his bed and making a sort of nest with the blankets. In other words, he piled them on top of one another then laid on them. I kept mine made, Tim near the pillows. Jack had Sam in his hood, right by his shoulder. It was cute.

"Hey, Jack?" I asked, laying on my bed with my arms behind my head.

"Yeah, Mark?" he replied, doing the same with the lump of blankets in the middle of his back.

"Do you like me? Like more than friends?" I blushed a little.

Jack sat there thinking. This was either good or bad. I couldn't tell.

"... I'd say yeah. But I don't think it's enough fer a relationship, ya know?" he said.

I nodded. "Yeah. I know." Then I turned off my lamp and fell asleep.

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