Jack POV

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This was killing me. He saw me shirtless... I had to do something. He turned to leave. Quick, Jack do something!

I stood ad hugged his waist from behind, making him stop and tense up.

"J-Jack? What are you doing?" what was I doing?

I shrugged, resting my head on his shoulder. I swear, I've always wondered what this was like... But I was so scared to do it. I heard Mark swallow, making me hesitate.

"Mark?" I asked, lowering my loudness for once.


"Could you do something for me?" I asked. What kind of question was that? My mind raced a little, thinking he might take it wrong.

"Sure, bud. What?"

Oh thank God. I turned him around and kissed him. I did it without thinking. And my mind suddenly clicked back. I pulled away, Mark's expression as clueless as my own.

"W-why'd you do that!?" Mark's face turned redder than a cherry.

"I-I don't know..." I blushed as well, swallowing.

Mind, what is wrong with you??? What made you make the decision to kiss him? I mentally slapped myself.

Mark hesitated for a second, looking around the room. I opened my mouth to say something and he gave me a quick kiss back. I stood there with my mouth open, tense as all hell. Mark just smiled a little  and left the room.

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