Lonely Eyes

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Kim Jongdae played with lightning.

Han Yonhee watched the lightning.

Every night she would creep up the lonely hill in Suwon and peer over the ridge at the lonely tree where the lonely boy stood.

The lonely boy under the lonely tree on the lonely hill.

He was beautiful to say the least.  The boy didn't have the typical beauty one would look for; in fact, he may seem plain to the average eye, but Yonhee saw beauty.  The boys jaw was angled in what she considered perfection and his cheek bones were high and rounded. His straight, dark eyebrows gave way to almond shaped, dark brown eyes and a perfect nose.  The boy didn't stand very tall, probably at most 175 centimeters, maybe 177, but he was incredibly proportional, so she didn't mind the least bit.  He was still very pleasing to look at...the only thing off was the look in his eyes.

They always seemed so sad, so empty.

Lonely eyes on a lonely boy under a lonely tree on a lonely hill.


Hey! Okay, apologies it was so short, but I just wanted a short beginning that really hit, I guess. Please anticipate more updates and I'll do my best to get around it!

PS- I'm still working on the requested imagines and I'll have those up as soon as I can! Thanks for your patience!

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