He does something good

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(I know. Lame title right? :/)
Niall's P.O.V
"I wanna do good." I announced to Y/n one morning. She wrinkled her nose.
"What do you mean?" She asked setting a plate of food in front of me.
I took a bite of sausage. "Like I wanna save someone or end world hunger or make world peace happen. Or free education for children. Or to help the poor." I said cutting into my waffle.
Y/n stopped chewing. "Those are big changes Ni. I'm not sure you could do them."
I stopped eating. "You mean I'm not good enough to do it?"
"No no. I mean it's big enough for anyone. Scientist and charities have been working for many years to help all that but as you can see nothing has really happened."
I pushed my food around on my plate scraping up the last of it and swallowing it. "I know. But I wanna do something good."
"You're alive and that's good enough for me." Y/n smiled kissing my cheek as she took our plates to the sink. I sat at the table deep in thought. I wish I could do something really good. Maybe at least save someone.
"I'm going for a walk. I wanna think about stuff." I said standing up.
"All right babe be careful."
"I'm always careful." I frowned kissing her cheek. She giggled as I put my jacket on.
"Yeah tell that to the stitch on your forehead." She said tapping it lightly. I cringed as I remembered.
"It was the tree's fault. That branch just whacked me." I said before walking out the door. The wind immediately hit my face. I stuffed my hands into my jacket pockets and bent my head as I began to walk to the park. I kept my head down low trying to think of all the possibilities I could do.
"I could...no." I mumbled to myself. I sat on a bench with my hands clasped and head bowed. I shivered in the cold air and wrapped my arms tightly around myself. I closed my eyes.
I wish I could do good!
A baby started to cry. Yeah bud I know how ya feel. Now stop crying.
I put my head in my hands and tried to think but the baby was practically biting my eardrums. I sighed in frustration. Will that bloody mother shut her child up! Feed it or something!
*ten minutes later*
The baby was still crying. Alright I'd had enough. I jumped to my feet and searched for the baby. The crying got louder as I walked further but there was no sign of anyone. I looked down and saw a huge hole in front of me. I went to walk past it but as I passed it the crying was louder. I frowned and shone my phone into the hole. I gasped. A baby was lying at the bottom. What the hell?? Who would do that? I love kids! Without a second thought I jumped into the hole to save the kid.
Your P.O.V
Niall had been gone for quite a long time. But he said he had stuff to think about. I sighed and switched on TV to the news.
"Breaking news. A young boy with blue eyes and dyed blonde hair has fallen into a hole in the ground. Witnesses say he was pushed but we aren't sure."
I told myself it couldn't possibly be Niall. Lots of boys have dyed blonde hair and blue eyes. But then the news reporter began talking to the person in the hole. I turned up the volume.
"Young man? Are you ok down there?"
I heard someone reply faintly. "Call an ambulance!" It was Niall's voice. I ran out of the house slamming the door behind me. I ran all the way to the park and pushed past the crowd.
"NIALL! NIALL!!" I screamed into the hole. A rope was lowered down into the hole.
"Hold it with two hands!" A man shouted.
"I can only use one!" Niall called. He sounded weak.
"Niall!!" I yelled with tears streaming down my cheeks.
"Y/n?! I'm ok princess I promise!" Niall yelled back weakly. Someone lowered a ladder down.
"Climb the ladder!"
There was silence as Niall panted climbing up the ladder. He emerged from the hole holding a baby in one of his arms. Everyone cheered.
"Niall baby!" I exclaimed kissing his head. Niall rocked the baby in his arms unaware of the crowd congratulating him.
"What happened Ni?" I whispered.
"There was this baby crying so I went to see why it wouldn't stop and I found it in this hole so I jumped down and saved it....agh!"
Niall hissed his pain clenching his teeth. I gently took the baby from him and she started crying. Niall's arm was bleeding heavily.
"Aw baby what happened?"
"I cut it on something. I can't feel my ar..."
Niall collapsed on the ground unconscious. I gasped and a man rushed forward with a blanket draping it over Niall's body. Niall mumbled something and rolled over. I sat beside him and stroked his hair.
"My baby. You're a hero sweetheart." I cooed kissing his head. The ambulance arrived sirens blaring. They took the baby from my arms and smiled.
"You're a hero now by saving this baby. You'll probably get a reward." They said. I shook my head furiously.
"I didn't save her! My boyfriend did!" I said firmly pointing to Niall who was on a stretcher and being carried to an ambulance. I rushed towards him.
"Can I go with him?" I asked.
"It depends on who you are."
"I'm his girlfriend. He'll freak out if I'm not there. He's scared of hospitals." I explained.
"Ok come on then."
I got into the ambulance and held Niall's hand. Soft snores came from his lips.
"Oh baby." I cooed pressing a kiss to his forehead careful not to knock his stitch. I kissed his nose his eye lids his cheeks and his lips. A lady was checking his arm.
"He was cut really deep. And there's glass stuck in his arm." She said.
I felt sick. "He'll be ok right?"
"I'm sure he will love."
Niall was in a bed the blankets up to his neck. A nurse was picking bits of glass out of his arm. Niall kept crying in his sleep thrashing inside the blanket. I kissed his lips and stroked his hair.
"Shh sweetheart you're being so brave. You're my hero. You said you wanted to do something good and you have. You saved that baby's life." I whispered stroking his hair. Niall continued to sob quietly mumbling about the pain.
"Hurts Y/n...hurts so bad...make it stop." Niall sobbed.
"Oh baby I know it hurts. You're so brave baby I'm proud of you." I said softly. The nurse cleaned his wound and stitched it up before wrapping a bandage round his arm.
"There! He should wake up in a few hours. Keep him in bed for a day or two as he'll be very very tired." The nurse said.
I played with Niall's fingers for a while. He sighed in his sleep. I decided to sleep with him. I curled up in a ball beside him and fell fast asleep.
I woke up and saw Niall's head on my chest. I smiled softly and buried my nose in his hair. It smelled beautiful like cream. It was so soft and smooth and mushy. I messed it up making him look even cuter. Then I kissed his head and got up to go to the bathroom. I heard a faint cry.
Niall! I pulled up my jeans and flushed the toilet before rushing into Niall's room just in time to see him fall to the floor. I scooped him up and sat him on my lap brushing his tears away but he continued to sob into my neck.
"Y/n it's so scary! I wanna go home I feel so sleepy! Have we been kidnapped?!" Niall cried clutching me tight.
"No sweetie you're in hospital. Don't you remember what happened?"
Niall thought about it and his eyes widened. "Where's the baby? Is she ok?"
"She's fine Niall she's in good hands. I'm so proud of you! You saved her! See baby you said you wanted to do good and you did it!" I said squeezing him tight. Niall blushed and hid his face in my neck.
"Am I allowed to see her?"
I hesitated. A nurse walked in.
"Is Niall allowed to see the baby he saved?" I asked.
"Yes of course. Maybe you can get her to stop crying."
I picked Niall up cause he was too weak to walk. We followed the nurse to a nursery and saw the baby crying in a crib. She was only wearing a nappy. I sat Niall down in a chair and he stroked the baby's tummy.
"I think she's cold." Niall mumbled. He carefully lifted her out of the crib and tucked her inside his jacket. She sniffled and stopped crying and looked up at him with sky blue eyes.
"She has your eyes Niall." I smiled.
"I feel like a dad. Shh don't you cry now. I bet you're cold yeah? I'll keep you warm love." Niall cooed rocking her with his good arm. She gazed up at him. He smiled down at her. I sniffed.
"Y/n? Are you crying?" Niall whispered.
"What? No! Who says I was?" I sobbed covering my eyes.
"Come here princess." Niall smiled pulling me onto his lap. I cuddled into him my head on his shoulder. The baby made gurgling sounds of amusement. I heard a click of a camera and saw a man taking a photo of us.
"What are you doing?" Niall frowned.
"You're gonna be in the paper. I'm taking a photo for the front page." He replied.
"Oh. I don't know if I wanna be in the paper."
"Why not?" I frowned.
"My face is ugly." Niall whispered in my ear.
"Not its not baby. It's beautiful." I cooed kissing Niall's cheek. He smiled and looked down at the baby. She gave him a big smile. Tears streamed down Niall's cheeks and he lifted the baby up to his face. She gave a cute giggle and placed her hands on his cheeks. Niall cooed at her.
"I wanna name her."
"But what if she has parents Ni?"
"Well they're obviously not good ones!" He scoffed.
He looked at her for a minute. Really looked at her. "Lucy."
"That's a nice name." I smiled stroking Lucy's cheek. Niall's arm dropped and he nearly dropped her.
"Niall?!" I panicked. He shook his head and tried to keep his eyes open.
"I...y/n...I can't..."
I quickly took Lucy off him and placed her in the cot. She was fast asleep. Niall was half asleep. I shouted for a nurse.
"He needs to go home and rest. He's gonna be very tired for a couple of days." She said before carrying Lucy somewhere. Niall was struggling to stay conscious.
"No baby. Don't fight it. Go to sleep." I cooed picking him up. Niall collapsed and soft snores left his lips. I carried him outside to a taxi and sat in the backseat with him as we drove home.
I tucked Niall into bed and he buried himself under the blankets. I went under with him and he cuddled into my chest. We both fitted perfectly together like two puzzle pieces.
"I'm so proud of you my baby. You're a hero." I whispered nuzzling his nose. Niall hummed. I decided not to talk to him so he could sleep peacefully. I kissed his forehead being careful of his previous stitch.
"I love you."

(And there you go! Isn't Niall sweet?)

Cute Niall imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora