Car Crash

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Niall's P.O.V
Me and the boys laughed as we told memories of our past since 2010. They were hilarious some sad and emotional but mostly hilarious cause we're one direction the weirdest people on the planet. I grabbed my glass of milk and took a few sips.
"Remember when Louis stepped on that sea urchin?" Liam laughed.
"Ohh painful memories." Louis sighed.
"Dude I think the sea urchin was more hurt than you! You broke one of its pointy things!" I then put on an American accent. "Stepped on me? Dude that guy was practically dancing on me! Look now! Broken broken really really broken broken broken!" Everyone doubled over in laughter.
" you think...that when this is all over...we're still gonna be mates?" Harry asked.
"Always. Defiantly." We agreed. I looked at my watch.
"Guys it'd really late. I should head home now." I said downing the rest of my milk. A few laughs sounded. I stood up and hugged Harry Liam and then Louis. And then I went to hug Zayn. But then I remembered. Another painful memory. The boys looked silently to the empty space.
"Bye guys. I love you all so much." I said smiling at them. A chorus of farewells sounded as I walked out into the black darkness tightening my scarf.
I got in the car and closed the door and stared out of the window straight ahead of me for a while. I pulled out of the driveway and drove down the street. Thinking about good times with the lads. I smiled to myself. They also make me happy. My two big brothers and one little brother. My three best friends...
A car horn honked and I gasped to see one coming straight towards me. I shielded my face with my arms as the lights got brighter and brighter.
The windows smashed and the metal of the car crunched. I was thrown off my seat and into the back seat where the roof fell on top of my legs. The back door near my head was smashed in hitting my head. Blood and pain ran through me like a fast flowing river. I screamed in agony writhing on my back. And no one knew. No one came to help. I was bleeding to death and trapped.
And still. No one knew.
Harry's P.O.V
We sat and in silence for a long time after Niall left. Thinking about how he had gone to hug Zayn. We stared blankly at the dark TV screen.
"Come on guys get a bit of life into you!" Louis said jumping up and turning on the Tv. The news came on.
"Boring! Although I feel sorry for the person in that car! It looks like it's been to hell and back! I hope they're OK!" I said.
"Yeah!" Louis agreed.
Liam hadn't said anything. I looked at him. He was shaking and his face was white.
"Li! It's ok we can turn it off if you have a weak stomach!" Louis said reaching for the remote.
"No stop!" He whimpered. With a shaking finger he pointed at the screen.
"L-Look...the number plate."
I peered at the number plate still visibly shown. A smashed up body was brought out of the car. And once I'd read the number plate all time froze and I crashed to the floor the world fading into darkness.
For it was Niall's car.

(Alright I know that's super short but I tried to make it dramatic as possible! And yes there is a part two and no Y/n will not be in it. Hope ya like it!)

Cute Niall imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora