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Okkkk if you're a fan of Paris5131 's work (which you obviously are if you aren't then get out from under your rock) then you'll have noticed she posted something similar to this. And before you say: OMG YA LITTLE NASTY YA STOLE HER WORK!! THIEFFFFF!! THIEFFFF!! Hold your horses! I asked her to write it cuz I felt embarrassed about writing this idk why. So I thought: maybe if I asked an incredibly beautiful talented popular writer to write something like it first then people be like: ohh Hannah wrote this too! Well Tori's is absolutely fabulous so I ain't gonna laugh! Even tho Tori's is wayyyyy better!
ANYWAY!! so I'm going to write one similar to Tori's newest request from me. I hope it'll be good like Tori's! I love youuuuuu peanut!! So credit to Tori for my next update!! I call her peanut! :P

Cute Niall imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora